The Latest in Ola: A Moratorium, Retail Space & New Subdivisions.

What’s the latest updates in Ola? Commissioner Anglyn introduced a moratorium for the Timber Ridge area, a project first proposed in 2021 is now looking to add retail space, and various new subdivisions are under construction.

The county adopted the Timber Ridge moratorium so it can complete a master plan for the area. It intends to hire a consultant for the project in the near-future.

Map shows the Timber Ridge moratorium and various new subdivisions along North Ola Road as of May 2024 (Clayton Carte map).
Map: Clayton Carte / MHF News • Source: Henry County qPublic • Created with Datawrapper

Timber Ridge Moratorium

On May 7, 2024, Commissioner Anglyn put forth the North Ola moratorium. MHF News is referring to this as the Timber Ridge moratorium because of the area it covers. The moratorium prohibits rezoning requests, land use amendments or lot divisions greater than five acres within its area. Its effective period is for 12 months, or until the North Ola master plan is complete.

“This is not to stop a private property owner from building a single-family residence or accessory structures,” said Anglyn. “But instead, to reject all applications for mass development such as subdivisions or commercial complexes in this area until the North Ola Master Plan has been devised by staff and consultants.”

The moratorium covers an area generally described as south of highway 20, north of Turner Church Road, west of the South River and beginning about one mile east of Airline Road. It is shown in yellow on the map above.

Henry County’s Planning and Zoning Department has solicited quotes from various consultants on the master plan. The department’s assistant director, Kamau As-Salaam, stated in his remarks before the board they had identified a vendor. The purpose of this process was to ensure the North Ola area is developed in a holistic, thought-out fashion.

“Commissioner Anglyn wants development to stop being piecemeal,” said As-Salaam, “and to have a master plan that guides development for the next 10 to 15 years. This will give us an opportunity to achieve smart growth.” As-Salaam went on to explain the master plan would encompass elements such as architecture, streetscape standards, and commercial development guidelines. It will provide the county with a means to hold developers to its recommendations.

The estimated cost for the master plan consultant is about $50 thousand dollars. More details will follow when available.

Portions of this section of the article were reprinted from Henry County Communications.

Villages at Ola

In addition, Liberty Communities LLC of Stockbridge has submitted revised plans for Villages at Ola. The company first submitted a rezoning application for the project in fall 2021. The property, shown in red on the map, consists of 120 +/- acres. It is at the northwest corner of state route 81 and North Ola Road.

Their original project had townhomes, quadraplexes and single-family homes. The zoning advisory board considered the request in September 2022. Since then, not much had been shared about the project.

Photo shows a concept rendering for Villages at Ola mixed use development, shown in January 2024 (Liberty Communities photo).
(Liberty Communities photo)

In January of this year, the developer held a community meeting at Sharon Church. There, they presented their revised concept. It incorporates more retail space. They have removed the townhomes and quadraplexes from their original concept. Now, the project is proposing the following:

  • 201,000 square feet of retail space, about twice the size of the current retail space at SR 81 and Lake Dow Road, and
  • 226 single-family homes for senior living.

The greater retail space would support Henry County’s ‘Village’ concept. The village nodes were introduced during the county’s 2023 comp plan update. They support retail development at major intersections across the county, so residents have more options closer to home. This can improve traffic congestion because residents would no longer need to travel to the I-75 corridor for retail & restaurant options.

Because of the added retail space, the project must now undergo a development of regional impact (DRI) review. The DRI review allows state agencies to review the project for potential transportation or environmental concerns. Henry County staff submitted a DRI application on May 3, 2024. The DRI review typically takes 4–6 months to complete. It must be completed before the county can consider approving the land owner’s rezoning request.

New Subdivisions in Ola

Finally, various new subdivisions are under construction on or near North Ola Road. They are in green on the map. Altogether, five subdivisions have zoning approval whereas a sixth awaits the board’s decision. If the Villages project happens, then it would be a seventh subdivision.

The five subdivisions with zoning approval include the following:

  • Snapping Shoals Road – under construction by Quinn Residences with 287 lots; rezoned in 2005 and 2007.
  • Oakhurst Manor – under construction by Century Communities on North Ola Road with 138 lots; rezoned in January 2019.
  • SR 81 at North Ola Road – under construction by AMH behind the Publix shopping center; rezoned in 2019 for up to 104 lots.
  • 646 North Ola Road – under construction by Century Communities with 95 lots; rezoned in April 2022.
  • SR 81 at Keys Ferry Road – rezoning approved in January 2024 for 177 lots on 210 acres.

Another request is pending off Keys Ferry Road. It is in light-green on the map. DRB Group is requesting a rezoning from RA to R-1 to support one-acre lots. They are proposing 162 lots on 244 acres. The rezoning request was submitted in 2022. A date for the board to consider it is to be announced.

Featured image shows a map of the Timber Ridge moratorium and various subdivisions along North Ola Road. Clayton Care map created with Datawrapper.

About Clayton 1694 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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