Henry County approves North Ola Road rezoning

Concept layout for 646 North Ola Road subdivision (Blue River Development photo).
(Blue River Development photo)

Henry County rezoned property located at 646 North Ola Road during the April board meeting. The property consists of 81 acres located northeast of Sharon Church.

Applicants first filed for the rezoning request in 2019. It was never voted on by Henry County. They submitted an updated request in 2021.

646 North Ola Road

Blue River Development, LLC of Cumming, GA submitted the rezoning request from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 with sewer (single-family residential). The R-2 with sewer zoning district mirrors an adjacent property now under-construction.

Henry County approved the rezoning request to R-2S with several conditions. Excerpts include the following:

  • The subdivision may have a maximum of ninety-five (95) lots. The first thirty-one (31) lots may be 18,000 square feet measuring 100’ wide by 180’ deep. The remaining lots shall be at least 22,000 square feet (one half-acre).
  • Each home shall be a minimum of 2,300 heated square feet. Homes shall be three-sides brick or stone with up to 20% of an accent material, such as hardiplank, allowed. The rear side shall be brick, stone or cement fiberboard with a brick water table. In addition, each home shall have a two-car garage.
  • There shall be a 100’ undisturbed buffer along North Ola Road. There shall also be a 50’ undisturbed buffer around the subdivision perimeter. This will screen the subdivision from the roadway and adjacent homes.
  • The subdivision shall be a gated community with private streets.
  • Community amenities will include a pool, children’s playground and pocket parks. At least one pocket park will provide access to the existing lake for subdivision residents.
  • Lots that share a rear property line shall have a 20’ landscape buffer between back yards. Ten feet of the buffer shall be on each abutting lot.

In approaching the rezoning request, newly appointed Commissioner Dee Anglyn said he worked with staff and the developer to improve the homes and community amenities. He also emphasized the large perimeter buffers that will screen the subdivision from view. Finally, he included a condition that no more than 3% of homes may be rentals.

In addition to road access from North Ola Road, the property will feature secondary access off Snapping Shoals Road. The second access point will be for exit only and emergency vehicles. It likewise will have gated access into the subdivision.

SR 81 at North Ola Road

Also in the Ola area, MHF News recently shared a proposed project at the corner of state route 81 and North Ola Road. The developer postponed their request before the April zoning board meeting. The zoning board will tentatively consider the case in June. Be sure and follow MHF on social media for updates.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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