New subdivisions proposed in Ola


Two subdivisions are proposed in the Ola community. The projects are located on North Ola Road near Sharon Church and Mt Bethel Road.

December 20 update: the rezoning request on North Ola Road remains pending after being postponed by the applicant. The request on Mt Bethel Road was approved in August.

Concept site plan for Sealey Ventures, LLC subdivision on North Ola Road
A new subdivision along North Ola Road would connect with another project approved earlier this year. (applicant photo)

North Ola Road

Sealey Ventures, LLC of Brooks, GA is requesting a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 with sewer (single-family residential) for 75.65 +/- acres located at 646 North Ola Road. The R-2 with sewer zoning district allows minimum lot sizes of 22,000 square feet (one half-acre) with minimum home sizes of 1,700 square feet.

The developer is proposing ninety-five lots for a net density of 1.75 units per acre. The future land use map designates the subject property for low density residential development supporting up to two dwelling units per acre.

The development will provide the requisite second entrance through the recently approved North Ola Henry 163, LLC project located to the north. The builder may be limited to fifty lots until the second entrance is constructed based on ULDC requirements.

Henry County planning staff have recommended approval with the following conditions:

  1. A traffic impact study will be required; all of the indicated improvements will be required of the developer / owner.
  2. All entrances shall meet minimum intersection sight distance requirements and minimum curb cut spacing requirements. All entrances shall have a deceleration lane / acceleration taper, which shall be constructed to HCDOT standards.
  3. All lots shall be internal to the subdivision, having no access easements along North Ola Road.
  4. All homes shall consist of all sides brick, stone, stucco, or any combination of two (2) or more of the following materials on all sides (brick, stone, stucco, or cement fiberboard). Vinyl based products are only permitted in the soffits, eaves, and fascia.
  5. All houses shall be built on site (no modular or manufactured homes).
  6. Each home shall have two-car garages standard and shall be side entry, where feasible.
  7. All disturbed areas in the front, side, and rear yards shall be fully sodded to the tree line, allowing for landscaped areas.
  8. There shall be a fifty foot (50′) undisturbed or enhanced buffer around the property boundary, with the exception of any existing recorded easements, as shown on the site plan dated 3/20/19 by Sibley-Miller Surveying and Planning Inc.
  9. The developer / owner shall dedicate right-of-way along the site’s frontage along North Ola Road to provide for 40 feet of right-of-way from the center of the road along the site’s side.
Concept site plan for 469 Mount Bethel Road subdivision
The proposed subdivision on Mt Bethel Road has a net density of one unit per acre. (applicant photo)

Mount Bethel Road

Robert Boan of McDonough, GA is requesting a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 (single-family residential) for 30.9 +/- acres located at 469 Mount Bethel Road. The R-2 zoning district allows minimum lot sizes of 30,000 square feet with a minimum home size of 1,600 square feet.

The developer is proposing twenty-nine lots for a net density equaling one dwelling unit per acre. The property is designated for rural residential development on the future land use map supporting up to one dwelling unit per acre.

Planning staff recommend approval with the following conditions:

  1. All homes shall be built on site (no modular or manufactured homes).
  2. Each home shall have a minimum two-car garage. Garages shall be side-entry where feasible.
  3. All disturbed areas shall be sodded, except where landscaping is present or installed.
  4. All lots shall have a minimum of 30,000 square feet of usable soil, each lot to accommodate the needed lot size for proper septic system installation under advisement of the Environmental Health Department.
  5. The entrances shall be located such that the minimum intersection sight distance and the minimum spacing requirement are met per the road’s posted speed limit, and shall have a deceleration lane an acceleration taper designed and constructed to HCDOT standards.

This article was originally published in July 2019 before the rezoning requests were presented to the zoning advisory board. It was updated in December 2019 to reflect the current status of the requests.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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