New Future Land Use Map Approved for Henry County

Excerpt showing the 2023 future land use map for central Henry County (Henry County photo).
Future Land Use Map 2023 (Henry County photo)

Henry County commissioners have adopted their new future land use map. The new map, and associated comprehensive plan, will be in effect for the next five years.

The comp plan provides a guide for new development. It establishes areas within the county for new construction, based on current housing patterns, generally along the I-75 corridor. Other areas are set aside for rural residential meaning little to no development. A larger portion of east Henry County, such as Ola and Kelleytown, are marked rural residential than on the county’s previous maps.

New Future Land Use Map

Henry County approved its new comp plan during a special called meeting on Monday, October 30. The board tabled the item earlier in the month following residents’ pushback on high-density development. As a result, some portions of the map saw changes to reduce their density. Specifically, staff made the following changes:

  • Revised the area south of Mt. Carmel Road from medium-density residential (0-4 units per acre) to low-density residential (0-2 units per acre),
  • Revised the area between Mill Road and I-75 from high-density mixed use (8-20 units per acre) to high-density residential (0-8 units per acre)
  • Increased the area on Fairview Road marked for low-density mixed use (0-8 units per acre).

The new map in its entirety is available below:

When reviewing the new map, it is also important to know the density limits in each category. The density limits are different than previous maps. Reference the chart below for more info.

Chart showing FLUM 2023 categories (Henry County photo).
(Henry County photo)

Effect on Rezoning Requests

Rezoning requests presently submitted to the county are grandfathered into the previous comp plan. Staff will utilize the new plan when evaluating any new rezoning requests.

For those interested in learning more, the full comprehensive plan is available to view on the county website. Visit here (PDF link – 206 pages).

Featured image shows an excerpt of the 2023 future land use map. Henry County photo.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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