ZAB March 14 Preview

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The zoning advisory board will hold its next meeting on Thursday, March 14, starting at 6:30 pm. The ZAB meets bimonthly at the Henry County Administration Building in McDonough. The board provides recommendations to the board of commissioners regarding comprehensive plan amendments and rezoning requests, and considers approval of variance requests and conditional use permits.

The March 14 meeting will include public hearings for five rezoning requests, one conditional use permit, and two variance requests. The largest request of the evening will be the proposed Stockbridge International Business Center on Flippen Road. Four residential developments, each requesting a different zoning district, will also be presented.


The proposed Stockbridge International Business Center consists of 310 acres on Flippen Road, between Walt Stephens Road and North Henry Boulevard. The project proposes to build 3.3 million square feet of new development and is under review as a development of regional impact by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and Atlanta Regional Commission. The project includes the following:

  • 2.4 million square feet of warehouses / industrial space
  • 783,000 square feet of multifamily housing comprising 730 units
  • 100,000 square feet of office space
  • 75,000 square feet of retail space

The project is designated for mixed use development on the future land use map. Recent discussion about industrial development within mixed use has led to some opposing viewpoints. Planning staff proposed changes to the comprehensive land use plan in February that would have supported industrial zoning districts within mixed use, but comments made by Moving Henry Forward editor Clayton Carte convinced the board of commissioners to make no motions on the request. The applicant is requesting the seldom used Interchange Activity Center zoning district, which although the comprehensive land use plan supports its use within the mixed use designation, the subject property does not qualify for the zoning district under the unified land development code. The Henry County ULDC states “this district is intended to provide locations at the intersection of two (2) major arterials or at interstate interchanges.” The property has access to only one major roadway (Flippen Road) with a proposed connection to Davidson Parkway, a local road.

The four proposed residential subdivisions are located along Elliot Road, Highway 155 North, Peach Drive, and Willow Lane. Each proposal is requesting a different zoning district. Planning staff have recommended approval for each request.

A proposed conservation subdivision on Elliot Road plans to build 130 single-family residences on 87.29 acres if approved. Builders Professional Group, LLC of Jonesboro, GA is requesting the rezoning to the R-2 on sewer zoning district. The district requires 22,000 square foot lot sizes; however, if the conditional use permit to build a conservation subdivision is approved, the applicant may build lot sizes as small as 10,890 square feet. Conditional use permits are decided by the zoning advisory board, whereas the requested rezoning will be presented to the board of commissioners at a later date to render the final rezoning decision.

Mandalay Properties of Cumming, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential Agricultural) to R-5 (Single-Family Residence) for 17.9 acres located on the west side of Highway 155, north of Town Square Drive. The R-5 zoning district allows 10,890 square foot lots and would yield 28 lots if approved. The future land use map designates the area for medium density development, supporting up to six units per acre, and supports the proposed project. The subdivision has a proposed net density of 2.2 units per acre.

Land owners for fifty acres located at the northern end of Peach Drive are requesting a rezoning from RA (residential agriculture) to R-3 (single-family residence). The R-3 zoning district allows 18,000 square foot lots; however, the applicant is proposing a minimum lot size of 24,000 square feet. The project is a proposed addition to the existing Eagles Landing Country Club with forty-three lots. Road access is proposed via Bethpage Drive.

The Reservoir Group of Watkinsville, GA is proposing a single-family residential and townhome development on Willow Lane under the RS (residential suburban) zoning district). The recent surge in rezoning requests has featured several Residential Suburban developments which provides for a combination of either duplexes or townhomes alongside single-family residential homes. The applicant is proposing to build fifty-six townhomes and forty-four single-family residences on the 23 acre site.

In addition to the above rezoning requests, and concurrent conditional use permit along Elliot Road, the zoning advisory board will hear two variance requests. These items, if approved by the ZAB, do not go before the BOC and are granted to the applicant.

JoAnn Timm of Hampton, GA requests a variance from development regulations for property located at 504 Bethelview Drive. The property consists of 1.104 +/- acres, and the request is to permit an existing building to store vehicles. The staff report did not upload correctly on the county website and omits staff’s recommendation.

B. Manse Waldrop of McDonough, GA requests a variance from development regulations for property located at 2820 East Lake Road. The property consists of 18.832 +/- acres, and the request is to permit the adaptive reuse of an existing building. Staff recommends denial of the request.

About Clayton 1739 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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