BOC keeps industrial out of mixed use development

Photo of Clayton Carte addressing the commissioners
Blog editor Clayton Carte addressed the BOC about the proposed changes. (Henry County photo)

The Henry County Commissioners considered changes to the comprehensive land use plan on Tuesday night in what planning staff referred to as “clean up” following the adoption of the Imagine Henry 2040 plan in October. Proposed changes included the correction of two pages that are missing text boxes within the final approved plan, edits to the compatibility chart referencing which zoning districts are supported by each designation on the future land use map, and changes to the future land use map for parcels zoned differently than their current FLUM designation.

Staff recommended that the comprehensive plan support any zoning district within the mixed use category on the future land use map, including industrial zoning districts M-1 and M-2. The proposed changes would open the door for new warehouses within mixed use development if approved. Moving Henry Forward editor Clayton Carte spoke in opposition to this proposed change. Watch his remarks.

No other audience members spoke about the request. The board had no questions following staff’s initial presentation; however, multiple commissioners spoke up after the public hearing. Commissioners asked staff the county’s definition for mixed use development. The Unified Land Development Code provides the following description of the mixed use zoning district:

This district is intended to provide locations for office, institutional, personal service, single-family, duplex, cluster housing, and multifamily residential uses, accessory uses or structures, and essential public services. Lots and parcels may be used for a single use, or may contain a mixture of uses within a single development site. This district is intended to allow the flexibility of development standards. Accessory uses and structures and essential public services are permissible.

Henry County ULDC Section 2.01.05 item A

The mixed use zoning district does not allow warehouses within its permitted use, nor does it list the function within the district’s description. Staff citied the interchange activity center (IAC) zoning district as precedent for allowing industrial use within mixed use. The county’s description for the zoning district is as follows:

This district is intended to provide locations at the intersection of two (2) major arterials or at interstate interchanges to accommodate transient shopping, lodging, and hospitality uses, and to provide locations with the highest level of access to meet the needs for product distribution. This district is intended as a mixed-use development. The following types of uses are permissible: multifamily residential, regional commercial, lodging, regional services, and essential public services. Uses may be combined within a development project in this district.

Henry County ULDC Section 2.01.05 item B

The IAC includes warehouses within its permitted uses; however, it has not been requested in a rezoning since 2009. Moving Henry Forward has not found a location within the county zoned under the district.

After staff read the descriptions to the board, Commissioners Clemmons and Thomas expressed concern about allowing industrial development within mixed use. Board members were silent when the call for a motion was made on the request. The request failed keeping industrial development out of mixed use within Henry County.

The results of Tuesday’s meeting have a direct impact on the upcoming rezoning request for the Stockbridge International Business Center on Flippen Road. The 310 acre project is proposing 2.4 million square feet of industrial space, 730 apartments, office and retail space in an area designated mixed use on the future land use map. Follow Moving Henry Forward on social media to stay informed about public hearings for the project and other rezoning requests throughout Henry County: Facebook | Twitter Instagram

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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