SPLOST V committee has three meetings remaining

Henry County SPLOST V cover slide

Henry County SPLOST V cover slide

The SPLOST V committee has only a few meetings remaining before concluding its work and presenting project recommendations to the board of commissioners. All meetings are open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend.

All meetings are held on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Meeting dates include the following:

  • February 28 at Timber Ridge Elementary (District IV)
  • March 7 at Cotton Indian Elementary (District V)
  • March 21 at Henry County Administration Building (Final Meeting)

The meeting on February 28 will discuss project recommendations for commission district II in addition to district IV. Capital project cost estimates were not yet available at the committee’s district II meeting in January so the recommendations were tabled.

Project recommendations for commission districts I and III were discussed at the committee’s most recent meeting on February 7. Further revisions to those project lists are expected, but the most significant projects include widening state route 81 in Ola and completing the McDonough Parkway around the town square.

The proposed extension of the SPLOST program in Henry County is estimated to generate $220 million over six years if approved. Henry County would receive 75% of the collections, or $165 million, and the four cities divide the remaining 25%. The county’s collections are then budgeted into two categories: countywide projects, which includes public safety and county facilities investments, then the remaining funds are split for projects within each commission district. Transportation improvements and park additions are included within district projects.

The SPLOST V committee was formed last summer by the Board of Commissioners to gather public feedback about proposed projects and present a recommended project list to the commissioners. After the committee concludes its work, the BOC may modify the list before calling for the voter referendum. The proposed extension will appear on the November ballot.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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