County staff recommend changes to the Future Land Use Map

Comprehensive Plan Compatability Chart
Proposed changes to the compatibility chart have been highlighted by Moving Henry Forward. (Henry County photo).
Update: the board of commissioners declined to make a motion on the proposed changes. The request failed for lack of a motion.
Henry County planning staff are recommending changes to the comprehensive land use plan “to clarify land uses supported by the Future Land Use Map and to correct inconsistencies with existing zoning.” The amendment will be presented to the board of commissioners on Tuesday, February 19, during the 6:30 pm meeting and a public hearing held regarding the proposed changes.
Comprehensive Plan Compatability ChartProposed changes to the compatibility chart have been highlighted by Moving Henry Forward. (Henry County photo).

The compatibility chart documents which zoning districts are supported by the various land use designations on the future land use map. The existing chart indicates the mixed use FLUM category supports only the mixed use and interchange activity center zoning districts. Planning staff are proposing to allow any zoning district within the mixed use category.

The proposed changes spark a discussion about industrial use and its potential inclusion within mixed use developments. Areas marked for mixed use development on the future land use map, and that fall outside of the highway corridor overlay, could potentially be developed into industrial uses if M-1 and M-2 are added as acceptable zoning districts within the mixed use FLUM category.

Moving Henry Forward offered a poll on our Facebook page to allow readers to provide their thoughts if industrial space is applicable within a mixed use development, or should mixed use developments only include residential, commercial, and office uses. With nearly five-hundred respondents, 94% voted that mixed use does not include industrial use. Page editor Clayton Carte appreciates the feedback and referenced the poll’s results during his comments at the board meeting.

In addition to the compatibility chart, there are eighty-four land parcels proposed to have changes regarding their designation on the future land use map. Fifty-seven of the parcels are presently zoned commercial and the FLUM will be changed to reflect commercial use for the property. An additional eight tracts are owned by the board of education and will be updated to reflect their use as a public institution. Moving Henry Forward has isolated a few of the changes impacting large tracts of undeveloped land and listed them below.

Map of Willow Lane and Bridges Road FLUM changes
Properties outlined in blue have proposed changes on the future land use map. (staff photo)

Several parcels along Willow Lane have proposed changes. The largest tract consisting of 159 acres is located south of Bridges Road west of Willow Lane. That tract, partially pictured above, is proposed to change from a future designation of medium density residential to mixed use. The property is currently zoned C-2 (general commercial). Other parcels surrounding the Willow Lane at Bridges Road intersection will be changed to either commercial or mixed use designations. All are presently zoned for commercial use.

Another proposed change located close by is at the intersection of Jonesboro Road and Willow Lane. A portion of parcel 073-02021000 will be changed from high-density residential to commercial. This location was recently the site of a proposed RaceTrac service station; however, that rezoning application was withdrawn prior to the BOC hearing the request.

Map of SR 155 and Greenwood Industrial FLUM changes
Forty-eight acres located at SR 155 and Greenwood Industrial Parkway are proposed for a mixed use designation on the future land use map. (staff photo)

Two undeveloped parcels located west of the state route 155 and Greenwood Industrial Parkway intersection are proposed to change from medium density residential to mixed use. The largest tract, consisting of 40 acres, is zoned M-1 (light manufacturing) and the land owner has unsuccessfully attempted in the past to have the property rezoned to build apartments. The eight acres of road frontage are zoned C-2 (general commercial) and would be combined to form a mixed use development if the rezoning was approved.

Map of SR 20 at Airline Road FLUM changes
Properties along state route 20 at Airline Road are proposed to change from an industrial to low density residential designation. (staff photo)

Several properties located along state route 20 are proposed to change from industrial to low density residential on the future land use map. The industrial category was assigned because of the nearby Simmons Manufacturing Company and the correction better reflects the surrounding area. The properties are located in the vicinity of Airline Road and mostly undeveloped.

The full list of proposed changes is available on the county website. Note that the list only provides parcel numbers and residents will need to utilize the Henry County Tax Assessor’s online property search to identify the location of properties.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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