Jonesboro Road rezoning requests on Tuesday agenda

Map showing rezoning requests off Jonesboro Road for the June 21, 2022 board meeting (Clayton Carte graphic).
(Clayton Carte graphic)

The Henry County Board of Commissioners next meet on Tuesday, June 21, starting at 6:30 pm. During the meeting, the board will hold public hearings and vote on three rezoning requests within the vicinity of Jonesboro Road / I-75 exit 221.

The three requests are proposing a total of 975 new units within the area. Projects contain a mixture of new single-family homes, townhomes, retail space and an apartment complex.

Jonesboro Road rezoning requests

The board will consider the following rezoning requests:

  1. The Reservoir Group, LLC of Madison, GA is requesting a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to RS (residential suburban) for 72 acres located off Jonesboro Road north of Heritage Way. The request proposes 69 single-family homes and 116 townhomes for a total of 185 units.

    Staff recommendation: Approval | ZAB recommendation: Approval

    In addition, the applicant is requesting to amend the comprehensive land use plan from low-density residential to medium-density residential.

    Staff recommendation: Approval | ZAB recommendation: Approval
  2. The Reservoir Group, LLC of Madison, GA is requesting a rezoning from C-2 (general commercial) to RS for 102 acres located at the southwest corner of Bridges Road and Willow Lane. The request proposes 155 single-family homes and 287 townhomes for a total of 442 units.

    Staff recommendation: Approval | ZAB recommendation: Approval
  3. Vista Realty Partners of Atlanta, GA is requesting a rezoning from R-2 (single-family residential) and C-2 to MU (mixed use) for 33 acres located north of Jonesboro Road west of Mt. Carmel Road. The property is adjacent to the new park & ride lot and self-storage business. The request proposes 348 apartments and 50,000 square feet of commercial / retail space.

    Staff recommendation: Approval | ZAB recommendation: Approval

Development Revisions

Both projects 1 and 3, as numbered above, have undergone revisions since the zoning advisory board meeting. In project 1, the applicant removed earlier plans for commercial outparcels. In project 3, the applicant introduced buildings that would offer ground-floor retail and upstairs apartment units. Images above reflect the most recent site plans for either project.

The board of commissioners will hold a public hearing for each agenda item during their meeting. The public hearing allows anyone present to speak for or against the proposed project. Finally, the BOC will consider a vote whether to approve or deny each rezoning request. Board meetings start at 6:30 pm at the county office in McDonough.

Featured image shows a map of Jonesboro Road rezoning requests for the June 21, 2022 meeting. Photo credit Clayton Carte.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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