ZAB to consider two conservation subdivisions

Map of two proposed conservation subdivisions in Union Grove (Henry County aerial with staff edits)

The zoning advisory board next meets on Thursday, March 25, at 6:30 pm. The board will consider requests for two conservation subdivisions during their meeting. The projects are off Campground Road, and state route 20 at Airline Road.

The board meets virtually. Anyone wishing to speak during the public hearings must sign-up before 5 pm on Wednesday, March 24. Residents can sign-up by e-mailing Karis Trimble at planning & zoning.

Conservation Subdivisions

Conservation subdivisions require the developer to preserve at least forty percent of the property as open space. They must also preserve a 100’ undisturbed buffer along all exterior streets (except for site road access). Finally, there must be a 50’ undisturbed buffer along other sides of the property.

In exchange for the open space, the applicant can build quarter-acre lots (except where otherwise conditioned). The 10,890 square foot lot is smaller than the minimum 22,000 sq ft lot found in the R-2 with sewer zoning district. For comparison, the R-3 zoning district has a minimum lot size of 18,000 sq ft.

Conservation subdivisions require an approved conditional use permit. Unlike rezoning requests, the zoning advisory board can approve the permit. If there’s an appeal of the ZAB’s decision, then the BOC considers it.

Campground Road

General Holdings Unlimited, LLC of Monroe, GA is proposing a new subdivision on 183.18 +/- acres. The property is off Campground Road between SR 155 and Elliott Road. One of the proposed entrances aligns with Bryans Drive.

The property has a pending application for annexation into McDonough city limits. The application was submitted in spring 2019, but the council has not voted on it. Now, the applicant is requesting to stay in unincorporated Henry County and rezone the property to R-2 with sewer. Further, they submitted an application for a conservation subdivision.

General Holdings Unlimited, LLC is proposing 215 units for a net density of 1.5 units per acre. When the property was first presented in spring 2019, the project included 410 lots. Since then, multiple revisions have reduced the number of lots.

The minimum lot size equals 15,000 square feet with an average lot size of 18,000 square feet. Lot width starts at 100 feet. The lot size and lot width mirror conditions on a nearby subdivision. The Elliott Road subdivision was approved in May 2019.

Concept layout for proposed SR 20 at Airline Road conservation subdivision (Moore Bass Consulting photo)
Concept layout (Moore Bass Consulting photo)

State Route 20 at Airline Road

Blue River Development of Cumming, GA is proposing a new subdivision at state route 20 and Airline Road. The 93.69 +/- acre property is at the southeast corner of the intersection. Blue River Development is also the developer for Stapleton Park off Lake Dow Road.

The second request has several similarities to the first described above. The applicant submitted both a rezoning request and application for a conservation subdivision. Likewise, the rezoning request is for R-2 with sewer zoning.

Further, the applicant is proposing a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet with an average of 18,000 square feet. The proposed lot width of 100’ is greater than the 60’ minimum in county code. Planning staff have not recommended these items as conditions on the conditional use permit, but the zoning advisory board can add them to ensure they remain part of the project.

The project proposes 114 lots for a net density of 1.81 units per acre. The request is in an area of Henry County marked for low-density residential development supporting up to two net units per acre. Therefore, the future land use map supports the rezoning request.

The property has 1,900 +/- feet of road frontage on state route 20. Thus, the two entrances would be off SR 20. The developer will have to coordinate with Georgia DOT to meet all state requirements on minimum sight distance and turning lanes.

For both requests, the zoning advisory board will consider separately the rezoning request and application for a conservation subdivision. The board of commissioners will hear the rezoning requests at a later date to make a final decision.

Featured image shows map of the Union Grove area with blue map markers for project locations. Credit to Henry County with modifications.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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