Apartment complex with 154 units approved off West Village Parkway

Concept site plan for KCG Development apartments (Ebersoldt + Associates, LLC photo)
Concept site plan for KCG Development apartments (Ebersoldt + Associates, LLC photo)
(Ebersoldt + Associates, LLC photo)

Update: the request was approved by the board of commissioners in June 2020 with twelve conditions. Commissioners voted 5-0-1 with Commissioner Wilson abstaining because he was unable to hear the board’s discussion due to technical difficulties from calling into the meeting.

A new rezoning request to construct apartments is proposing 154 units in Fairview. The property is located at the intersection of West Village Parkway and Bowden Road.

KCG Development, LLC of Indianapolis, IN has submitted a rezoning request from RA (residential agricultural) to MU (mixed use) for 10.29 +/- acres. The property is designated for mixed use development on the future land use map.

The 154 units result in a net density of 15.9 units per acre. The comprehensive land use plan caps mixed use developments at sixteen net units per acre.

The proposed units include 36 one-bedroom units, 76 two-bedroom units, and 42 three-bedroom units. The property is attendance zoned for Fairview Elementary, Austin Road Middle, and Stockbridge High School.

Planning staff recommended approval of the rezoning with twelve conditions. The requirements of the highway corridor overlay district will also apply.

The zoning advisory board considered the request on Thursday, January 9, and recommended denial of the project. The rezoning request was presented to the board of commissioners in June 2020.

Nearby senior apartments approved in April 2018

The subject property is located approximately one half-mile from an age-restricted apartment complex approved in April 2018. That project, planning 112 units on 7.1 +/- acres, was originally denied in 2017 but reprimanded back to the BOC via legal action.

The Fairview Corners development broke ground in 2013. An urgent care facility opened onsite in 2017 and Piedmont Physicians opened a new office in spring 2020.

This article was originally published on January 1. It has been updated following the zoning advisory board meeting and board of commissioners meeting.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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