10 Major Road Projects Being Considered in the Next SPLOST

Photo shows a left arrow message board in the background and orange construction barrels in the foreground (stock photo).
(stock photo)

The Henry County SPLOST VI program is slated to be on the ballot this November, but first, the county must decide which projects to include in the program. Here are ten major road projects that SPLOST VI could fund.

The SPLOST program is a one-cent local sales tax. The tax collections pay for capital projects and road improvements within Henry County. Be sure and check out possible building projects being considered in SPLOST VI as well.

Editor’s note: this list considers projects not already in development. Georgia DOT and Henry County have several projects in either engineering / design or buying right of way.

Possible SPLOST VI Road Projects

Henry County formed a SPLOST VI committee this winter to consider possible projects. Since January, the committee has heard presentations looking at potential projects in each commission district. The committee will narrow down and recommend a project list this spring.

Most of the possible major road projects are design only. This means SPLOST VI would include funding for the preliminary engineering only. These projects could then be considered in transportation SPLOST 2 for right of way costs and construction. Voters will consider T-SPLOST 2 in 2026.

Breaking projects into multiple programs helps Henry County to better manage their high price tag. For reference, road widening projects are costing about $20 million dollars per mile for construction right now. Design and right of way costs can be an additional 20–50%.

All widening projects would expand the road from two to four lanes. Sidewalks and pedestrian improvements are also included.

State Route 81 widening, phase II

Widening state route 81, phase II, extends between Bethany Road and Keys Ferry. This project would consider right of way costs after SPLOST V had design funding. Henry County plans to hire an engineering firm this summer to begin the design work for this project.

Widening highway 81, phase I, extends from Postmaster Drive to Bethany Road. This project is presently buying right of way. Henry County T-SPLOST is funding its construction. It is scheduled to start in 2025.

State Route 42 widening, south

The highway 42 widening project would consider design only funding between Locust Grove and SR 155. Henry County is considering applying for federal funds on this project. The federal funds application requires a 20% local match. SPLOST VI can pay for the local match, if highway 42 is selected for federal funding.

Hampton-Locust Grove Road widening

The widening of Hampton-Locust Grove Road extends from state route 20 to state route 155. This would be design only in SPLOST VI.

Henry County T-SPLOST is paying for the Bill Gardner Parkway widening. The project should begin buying right of way this year.

East Lake Road widening

The East Lake Road widening extends between state routes 20 and 155. This is in the Union Grove area. Widening East Lake Road would be design only in SPLOST VI.

SPLOST V paid to develop a concept layout on East Lake Road. It has also paid for a temporary signal at East Lake and Elliott. Another temporary signal could soon be installed at East Lake and Airline.

Airline Road extension

The Airline Road extension would connect Airline Road into the existing traffic signal at state route 81 and Old Jackson Road. Then, Airline and Old Jackson Roads would form a continuous north-south road within the county. This project will consider right of way and construction costs. SPLOST V paid for its design.

McDonough Parkway widening, west

The McDonough Parkway widening, west, extends between state route 20 and Jonesboro Road. This would be design only in SPLOST VI.

Henry County is presently accepting construction bids for McDonough Parkway, north. The north section will connect highways 42 and 155. When complete, McDonough will have a bypass around the town square.

Oak Grove Road widening

The Oak Grove Road widening would be between Jodeco Road and Jonesboro Road. Similar to state route 42, the county plans to apply for federal funds on this corridor. SPLOST VI would be design only on this roadway.

Jonesboro Road widening, phase II

The second phase of widening Jonesboro Road extends from North Mt. Carmel Road to the Clayton County line. This would likewise be design only in SPLOST VI.

Henry County T-SPLOST is paying for Jonesboro Road widening, phase I. The project is from I-75 to North Mt. Carmel Road. The county anticipates construction will start in 2025.

Jodeco Road widening

Next, the Jodeco Road widening would look at Jodeco between I-75 and Hudson Bridge. This is west of I-75 where Costco and other retail development is occurring. Similar to other projects, the SPLOST VI committee is looking at design only funding.

East Atlanta Road widening

Finally, the SPLOST committee will consider design only funding on East Atlanta Road. The widening would be from Fairview Road to Rex Road.

Next Steps

With several possible road projects to consider, the SPLOST VI committee will have to narrow down which projects are most-needed. Its expected the committee will make its final project recommendations later this spring.

The county commissioners will hold a joint meeting with the cities this summer to discuss SPLOST VI. Afterwards, the county and cities can consider entering into an intergovernmental agreement. If they adopt an IGA, then the SPLOST program can be six years in length. Otherwise, the program can only be for five years. The county must also adopt a final project list. Finally, voters will consider this November whether to approve the sales tax program.

Featured image shows a left arrow message board and construction barrels. Stock photo.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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