Construction crews have started work on two new traffic lights on highway 42. Both should activate this spring 2024.
The new signals are at Bethlehem Road and Harris Drive. They are located between McDonough and Locust Grove.
New Traffic Lights on Highway 42
SR 42 at Harris Drive
Georgia DOT shared in February that work was starting on the new Harris Drive signal. There are expected to be daytime lane closures during construction. Because the intersection has existing turn lanes, the work should be minimal. This is different from Bethlehem Road where the contractor must build new turn lanes.
The state budgeted funds for the signal in spring 2022. The traffic light is a quick response project by Georgia DOT. The quick response program is intended for projects which require no additional right of way. This allows for a quicker implementation than a traditional project. In addition, quick response projects cost up to $200 thousand dollars.
SR 42 at Bethlehem Road
On the other side of the railroad bridge, another new signal is coming soon at Bethlehem Road. Work began in October 2023. Work has unfortunately slowed during the wait for traffic signal components. The last of the signal equipment is due to arrive by the end of March. Contractors can then resume the road work.
The Bethlehem Road signal is similarly a quick response project by Georgia DOT. The state agreed to install a signal after requests by Locust Grove. The city is sharing in the project costs.
The state follows the manual on uniform traffic control devices (MUTCD) when deciding whether to approve new signals on highways. The federal policy guide looks at several factors, such as traffic volume and crash history, when considering new traffic lights.
State Route 42 Speed Limit
In April 2023, MHF News reported Locust Grove was asking Georgia DOT to review the speed limit on highway 42. At this time, Georgia DOT has agreed to lower the speed limit north of town. They will be lowering the speed limit from 55 mph to 45 mph. There is no estimate when this change will take place.
No update is available yet whether the state will be making any changes south of downtown Locust Grove. The speed limit is likewise 55 mph right now.
Featured image shows the intersection of state route 42 at Bethlehem Road. Google Streetview photo.
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