DRB Group may proceed forward with their next subdivision in Henry County, following a two-year wait on its rezoning request. The subdivision on Airline Road plans to construct 49 homes on 51 acres.
The property is located on Airline Road south of Kelleytown Road. It received zoning approval in March 2024.
Airline Road Subdivision
DRB Group of Fayetteville, GA applied to rezone the property in March 2022. They sought to rezone the property from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 (single-family residential). Sewer service is not available to the property. Because of this, the minimum lot size is 30,000 square feet. This equals about two-thirds of an acre.
The applicant’s plan has a net density of 1.14 units per acre. This falls within the county’s limits for low-density suburban development of up to two net units per acre. The county’s future land use map, last adopted in October 2023, changed the subject property’s designation from rural residential to low-density suburban.
The zoning advisory board considered the request in October 2022. They recommended denial at the time based on incompatibility with the future land use map. The 2023 update revised this map designation.
The board of commissioners first considered the rezoning request in November 2023. They conducted the public hearing on the request then as well. At the time, Commissioner Wilson shared concerns asking to prevent clear-cutting on the property. A subsequent motion by Commissioner Anglyn to approve the request tied 3-3. Following the tie vote, Commissioner Anglyn asked to table the request until March 2024.
Zoning Conditions & Approval
At the March 5, 2024 board meeting, staff re-presented the request. Because the board already held a public hearing, they did not conduct a second hearing where the general public could speak. After staff’s presentation, the board voted 5-1 to approve the request. Commissioner Wilson voted in opposition. The final approval has the following conditions:
- there shall be a 90’ landscape buffer along Airline Road, except where there shall be the subdivision entrance,
- there shall be a 30’ landscape buffer on the south property line,
- clear-cutting is prohibited on the site,
- the number of lots shall be no more than 49 lots,
- an amenity area shall include a passive green space park, a covered pavilion and sitting area,
- all homes shall be at least 1,600 square feet of heated space, as well as provide a two-car side-entry garage,
- at least 1/3 of the front facades shall be brick or stone,
- the remainder of the front facades shall be a combination of brick, stone and / or cement fiberboard, and
- no more than 10% of the homes may be rented at one time.
A new subdivision typically requires about six months for engineering & plan review after it receives zoning approval. Land disturbance work typically begins between 6–12 months after zoning approval.
Featured image shows the concept site plan for Airline Road subdivision. Moore Bass Consulting photo.
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