Proposed Gas Station Will Present to Zoning Board Thursday

Photo shows a gas pump fueling a car (stock photo).
(stock photo)

A proposed Jodeco Road gas station will present to the zoning board on Thursday, November 9. The rezoning request is located at Flippen Road.

Update: the zoning board recommended denial of the request.

The property presently has an office zoning. Planning staff are recommending denial of the request.

Jodeco Road Gas Station

Stanton Porter Law of Winder, GA is representing the land owner in their request. They have applied to rezone the property from OI (office) to C-1 (neighborhood commercial). The location has 3.56 acres.

The property has had office zoning since 1994. It has remained undeveloped since then. The property owner, Woodcutters Properties LLC of Monroe, GA, acquired it in 2013.

Concept site plan for proposed Jodeco Road gas station at Flippen Road (Falcon Design photo).
(Falcon Design photo)

The proposed gas station would measure 9,600 square feet, according to a 2019 concept site plan. The convenience store would occupy 5,100 square feet. The other 4,500 sq ft would be for retail or restaurant space. Finally, the fuel canopy has ten fueling stations. Proposed road access would have one entrance each off Jodeco and Flippen Road.

The property is located within the highway corridor overlay district. The overlay requires higher building standards for any development on the property. Some examples include a ten-foot multiuse path and street trees.

Comp Plan Amendment

The county’s comp plan supports office development on the property. The applicant has applied to amend this. They are instead seeking a commercial designation. This would then support their commercial rezoning request.

Planning staff have recommended denial of both applications — the comp plan amendment and rezoning request. The zoning board will make a recommendation on the requests. The board of commissioners will consider them at a later date to make a final decision. The property is located within district 2.

Featured image shows a fuel pump fueling a car. Stock photo.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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