A proposed service station in the Union Grove / Kelleytown community met opposition from neighbors when the zoning advisory board considered it in September. The ZAB recommended denial of the Millers Mill Road gas station. The county’s planning staff likewise recommended denial. The case must now go to the board of commissioners for a final decision.
Millers Mill Road Gas Station
This section first appeared in our September 11 article about the request:
Tushar Patel of McDonough, GA has applied to rezone 2.2 acres of land. They are located at the northwest corner of highway 155 and Millers Mill Road. Specifically, Mr. Patel is applying to rezone the property from RA to C-1 (neighborhood commercial). He is proposing a convenience store and gas station at the location.
To support the request, the applicant has applied to amend the county’s future land use map. He is requesting to change the map from medium-density residential to commercial.
The applicant owns Royal Seven, a local convenience store and fast casual restaurant franchisee. As of September 2024, the company owns ten service stations with another seven in development. Their locations are in Clayton, Henry, Butts, Spalding and Monroe Counties along I-75. One such upcoming location by Royal Seven is at East Lake Parkway and Springdale Road.
According to the applicant’s rezoning application, they are proposing a 6,750 square feet retail store. There would be the primary convenience store as well as space for a restaurant. In addition, there are sixteen fueling stations depicted on their site plan.
Staff Review
Henry County planning staff reviewed the request for its consistency to the comprehensive plan and compatibility to surrounding land uses. They review nine criteria altogether when making their recommendation on a rezoning request. Following their review, they are recommending denial. They similarly are recommending denial of the associated comp plan amendment.
The staff report states ”the request to develop a commercial development is not consistent with the current FLUM designation of Medium Density Suburban Residential.” This would support residential development with a net density up to four units per acre. It further states “the area in the immediate vicinity of the subject property, consists of RA (Residential-Agricultural) single-family residences.”
Zoning Board Meeting
The zoning advisory board considered the request at their September 12 meeting. The county staff presented an overview about the request, and their recommendation of denial. The applicant was present to answer any questions.
The zoning board also conducted a public hearing. Several residents in the immediate vicinity spoke in opposition. Their comments focused on two main points:
- there are numerous gas stations in the Union Grove area, and
- there is no commercial development at SR 155 and Millers Mill Road.
Commenters also expressed concerns about traffic and sight distance / visibility when turning at the intersection. SR 155 at Millers Mill Road is presently a traffic light, but sits atop a hill.
The zoning board recommended denial on the comp plan amendment and rezoning request. The board of commissioners must consider the project at a later date. They will make the final decision. That meeting is not yet scheduled.
Featured image shows a gas pump. Stock photo.
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