Construction Started on New Signal at Bethlehem Road

Streetview image showing the SR 42 at Bethlehem Road intersection, where the state is planning to install a new traffic signal (Google Streetview photo).
(Google Streetview photo)

Georgia DOT has started construction to install a new signal at highway 42 and Bethlehem Road. The new traffic light could be operational within a few months, based on signal parts availability.

New Signal at Bethlehem Road

Georgia DOT and Locust Grove are collaborating to install the new signal. The state DOT completed design plans for the new signal. They also provided $194 thousand dollars towards project costs. Earlier this year, Locust Grove approved an application for the new light. In addition, the city has SPLOST funds set aside to help with the project.

What’s happening now is Georgia DOT hired a contractor to install new turn lanes. The contractor will accomplish two tasks:

  • lengthen the southbound right-hand turn lane, and
  • install a northbound left-hand turn lane.

After this work is complete, the project can then proceed to step 2: installing the new light. The state provided a quote to Locust Grove for ordering the signal parts. This quote was valued at about $75,600. The city council approved paying the quote at its October 16 meeting. Once the new signal parts arrive, Georgia DOT staff will handle their installation.

The new signal could be operational by the end of the year. This will depend on the availability of signal parts.

Temporary Signal

The new signal is considered temporary because of the future Bethlehem Road interchange. The project plans to build a new interstate exit. It will also build a new four-lane Bethlehem Road. The SR 42 intersection will see changes and upgrades when the new exit builds. Right now, construction has an estimated 2025 start.

Featured image shows the intersection of state route 42 at Bethlehem Road. Google Streetview photo.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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