Georgia DOT is hosting an open house this month for the western parallel connector. The WPC will be a new four-lane road beside I-75.
Construction on the new road plans to begin next year. Georgia DOT is gathering feedback about the project as well as a proposed detour. The detour route would be for Mt. Olive Road during construction.
Western Parallel Connector Open House
The western parallel connector will be on the west side of I-75. When complete, it will provide a new route between Hudson Bridge Road, Jodeco and Jonesboro Road. The roadway’s northern terminus will align with the main signal for Hudson Bridge Wal-Mart. At Jodeco Road, the roadway will bisect the under-construction Bridges at Jodeco development. Finally, the roadway will end at Jonesboro Road and Mt. Olive Road. There will be a new traffic signal at this location.
Interested residents can view the project’s concept layout by visiting the state open house. They can also provide feedback on the state website. The comment deadline is Monday, October 23, 2023.
Project Detour
During project construction, the state is proposing to close a portion of Mt. Olive Road. The closure would be from Jonesboro Road to Mt. Olive Church. The closure would last about six months. Chambers Road would be the detour route.
Georgia DOT is also gathering feedback about the proposed detour route. Residents may submit their feedback at the open house linked above.
Featured image shows the Argento at the Bridges apartments in September 2023. Sterling Construction Corporation photo.
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