Second November BOC meeting canceled over lack of quorum

Photo of board of commissioners meeting on November 30, 2021. The meeting was canceled due to a lack of a quorum (staff photo).

The Henry County Board of Commissioners was scheduled to meet on Tuesday morning, November 30, 2021. The BOC meeting was unable to proceed because a quorum was not present. The board must have at least four members present to conduct business.

The meeting was the second canceled BOC meeting of November. Earlier in the month, the November 3 meeting was cancelled for the same reason.

Three Commissioners present for meeting

Chair Harrell, Commissioners Wilson and Cannon were present for the November 30 meeting as well as November 3. Commissioners Clemmons, Thomas and Holmes were not in attendance.

The Henry Herald reported Commissioner Holmes emailed Chair Harrell on November 18 that he, Commissioners Clemmons and Thomas would be unable to attend the November 30 meeting. In addition, he shared the date was a conflict with family medical appointments. The Herald did not share other details concerning Clemmons or Thomas.

County Employee Raises prompt special called BOC meeting

Two items on the agenda were pay raises for county employees, effective January 1, 2022, as well as COVID-19 vaccine incentives. Chair Harrell announced the board will hold a special called meeting on Tuesday, December 14, to consider the items. The called meeting will start at 9 am.

Its unclear when the board will consider other agenda items. The board’s next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, January 6, 2022, at 9 am.

Some of the other agenda items had the following:

  • Approval of an annual contract for jet fuel sales at Atlanta Speedway Airport, with the current contract set to expire December 31;
  • Acceptance of a grant for the district attorney’s office, with an acceptance deadline of December 31;
  • Approval of annual reoccurring data purchase for LTE use on public safety radios, with a renewal deadline of November 30; and
  • Approval of equipment purchase to outfit fifty (50) newly purchased police cars. The police cars will arrive in the next few months.

Featured image shows board meeting room during the November 30, 2021 meeting. Photo credit C. Carte.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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