BOC approves East Lake Parkway density increase

Henry County commissioners voted on Tuesday, May 18, to approve changes to the county’s future land use map along East Lake Parkway. Previously, the zoning advisory board recommended to approve the changes.

The map changes — discussed in more detail below — do not alter any current zoning. Instead, they can support future applicants’ requests for rezoning. When county staff receive a rezoning request, they evaluate the request and make a recommendation. The first criteria point they consider is conformity to the future land use map. Requests that are consistent with the map have a high likelihood of being recommended for approval.

Commissioner Vivian Thomas, in whose district the area lies, requested the agenda item. She seeks to encourage commercial development in the area through the changes. This would balance with new subdivisions in the area.

Starting in 2019, the board has approved three nearby residential projects. For example, new condos are under construction next to JP Moseley Park. The county also rezoned a second property on Millers Mill Road earlier this year. Finally, a townhome development is planned at the intersection of East Lake Parkway and Springdale Road.

The BOC voted 5-1 to approve the changes. Commissioner Johnny Wilson was the lone vote in opposition.

Map showing future land use map near East Lake Parkway. Map shows low density residential for much of the area, with medium density residential at the northeast corner of East Lake Parkway and Springdale Road. (Henry County photo)Map showing the future land use map near East Lake Parkway. Proposed map shows mixed use designation at Stockbridge city limits, East Lake Parkway and Springdale Road, and SR 155. Map shows medium density residential along East Lake Parkway. (Henry County photo)
Previous FLUM (left) vs 2021 Adopted FLUM (right)

(Henry County photos)

Map Key:

  • Yellow – Low-Density Residential
  • Orange – Medium-Density Residential
  • Red – Commercial
  • Purple – Mixed Use
  • Black – Transportation / Utilities

Future Land Use Map

Before the changes, the FLUM generally supported low-density development along East Lake Parkway. This category allows up to two net units per acre, or half-acre lots. Property owned by Henry County Water Authority was shaded for utilities and one tract showed medium-density residential. The tract was the subject of last year’s rezoning for townhomes.

Now, the board added mixed use at three locations. They include the following:

  • east of Stockbridge city limits (east of Lakeside at Eagles Landing subdivision),
  • the intersection of Springdale Road, and
  • near state route 155.

The mixed use designation applies to the 2020 townhomes tract and another fifty-five acres. Henry County allows for a variety of uses under mixed use zoning, such as retail, office and housing. The FLUM supports up to 16 net units per acre in the category, such as apartments.

The remainder of the corridor now supports medium-density residential. This allows up to six net units per acre. This change applies to roughly 359 acres. Land owners with the medium-density category most often request the RS (residential suburban) zoning district. RS zoning allows for a combo of single-family homes, townhomes or duplexes.

The East Lake at Springdale rezoning conditions require townhomes with at least 1,600 square feet. The project provides a guide for future zoning conditions to mirror in the area.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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