BOC approves Jodeco Road, Millers Mill Road requests

Current zoning map in the vicinity of Jodeco Road at Lewis Drive (Henry County photo)

The board of commissioners approved two rezoning requests during recent meetings in March and April. They include residential subdivisions off Jodeco Road and Millers Mill Road.

Jodeco Road subdivision

On Tuesday, March 16, Henry County commissioners rezoned twenty-eight acres off Jodeco Road. The property is located between Lewis Drive and Cook Lane. Road access will be off the two side streets with no access from Jodeco Road.

The rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to RS (residential suburban) allows up to 74 single-family lots. The RS zoning district promotes a combo of two housing types; however, the applicant agreed to drop townhomes from the project. The BOC conditioned the property to allow only single-family lots.

Chart depicting residential suburban building standards with a 40’ driveway (staff photo)
RS lot setbacks — left: code requirements, right: zoning conditions with 40’ driveway. (staff photo)

RS zoning allows a min. lot size of 7,260 square feet (one-sixth of an acre) — the smallest single-family lot in county code. Setback requirements include 25’ in the front and rear, plus 10’ on either side. In order to provide greater off-street parking, the project’s conditions change the setbacks:

  • There shall be a min. 40 foot long driveway measured from the sidewalk with a min. 20 foot width. The developer can increase the front yard setback with a corresponding decrease in the rear setback up to ten feet to accommodate this driveway. If it is not feasible to have a driveway of these dimensions, then the developer must build a min. home size of 3,000 square feet.
  • The developer can decrease the side yard setback up to 2.5’ on each side to accommodate a home of 3,000 sq ft or more. At least 15 feet of separation must be maintained between all buildings.

All homes shall be a minimum of 2,500 square feet. Conditions also require a two-car garage.

Millers Mill Road

In a subsequent meeting, the BOC rezoned 89 acres at 1496 Millers Mill Road in district IV. The action occurred during the board’s April 20 meeting.

Applicants first applied for rezoning in summer 2019. At the time, the zoning advisory board approved a conditional use permit for a conservation subdivision. The C.U.P. allows the owner / developer to build smaller lots in exchange for preserving at least 40% of the site as open space.

The applicant, General Holdings Unlimited, LLC of Monroe, GA, withdrew the first rezoning request but later submitted a second one. The county received the second request in December 2020.

Zoning Conditions

The BOC approved rezoning the property from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 with sewer (single-family residential). The developer can build up to 132 lots on the property.

The applicant agreed to increase the min. lot size from 7,260 sq ft to 13,000 sq ft. The smaller lot size is because of the conservation subdivision. They also agreed to an average lot size of 15,000 sq ft and min. lot width of 80 feet.

Homes shall be at least 2,500 sq ft with a two-car garage. Driveways shall be 40 feet in length with a min. width of 20 feet. In addition, all homes will have a covered front porch or stoop.

Community amenities will include two playgrounds and one open-air pavilion. The subdivision will also provide walking trails.

Finally, the property will include a 100’ wide landscape buffer alongside Millers Mill Road. The buffer will include wrought iron fencing and brick columns. Other property lines will have a 50’ wide undisturbed buffer.

Featured image shows subject property off Jodeco Road highlighted in green. Photo credit Henry County.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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