No new projects receive federal funds from ARC

Photo of Jodeco Road with four lanes and a center median (Henry County photo)

The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) released the remainder of the 2019 TIP Project Solicitation recommendations on January 14. The Henry County projects chosen to receive federal funds are existing widening projects that received funds in the 2015 and 2017 solicitations.

Previously, in recommendations limited to FY 2021, ARC selected resurfacing Jonesboro Road and scoping work towards widening Bill Gardner Parkway. Now, ARC recommended construction dollars for state route 81 and Rock Quarry Road in FY 2025 and FY 2023, respectively. The projects represent four out of the eleven applications submitted by Henry County.

Moving Henry Forward previously reported Henry County submitted the largest request for federal dollars. More populous counties, such as Cobb and Gwinnett, requested a smaller overall dollar amount spread across more projects. J.T. Williams, a Henry County resident and GRTA board member, shared with the transportation advisory group in November that Henry County submits a long list of projects for funding consideration without properly prioritizing them. Other counties better prioritize their lists before submitting them.

Henry County must commit local funding if the county wishes to start the projects below or wait for a future project solicitation to try again. With SPLOST V in only its first year of collections, ongoing discussions about transportation SPLOST represent one possibility to advance projects.

Project Applications

Henry County applied for federal funding towards the projects listed below, but was unsuccessful in its request. Included are the evaluation scores from the Atlanta Regional Commission for each project. ARC evaluates all projects submitted on a technical basis before making their recommendations.

Nearly all of Henry County’s requests (8 of 11) are categorized as roadway expansion projects. Across the region, local governments submitted a total of twenty-six roadway expansion projects for consideration. For comparison, the average score of expansion projects was 48.7 points out of a possible 100.

Jodeco Road widening

Henry County requested funding for preliminary engineering and right of way acquisition to widen Jodeco Road between I-75 and Flippen Road. This project was also included within the 2017 request for funds.

Cost estimates for the two phases total $5.2 million as of 2019. The project scored 46 in ARC’s technical framework.

Rock Quarry Road extension

The Rock Quarry Road extension is a proposed new roadway that would extend Rock Quarry Road from its intersection with SR 138 to East Atlanta Road. The project was also considered for funds in 2017.

The cost estimate for preliminary engineering is $1,750,000. The project scored 33 on evaluation.

SR 81 widening, phase II

The second phase of widening state route 81 extends between Bethany Road and Keys Ferry. Henry County budgeted the local match for federal funding on design only in SPLOST V.

The project scored 44 when evaluated. By comparison, phase I of widening SR 81 scored 59 and received funds.

Flippen Road widening

The request to widen Flippen Road stretched between North Henry Blvd / SR 138 and Jonesboro Road. The long corridor would require modifications to the I-75 underpass. The county’s application — limited to preliminary engineering — scored 49.

Henry County awarded a design bid in November to extend Flippen Road south to Jonesboro Road. The project funded through SPLOST V is based on a two-lane road to match the existing corridor.

McDonough Parkway (north)

Henry County applied for federal funds to build the north segment of the McDonough Parkway between SR 42 and 155. Because the county designed this project under the local process, it was not a viable candidate for federal funds. The county would be better suited to apply for grant funds through the Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank to advance this project.

The north segment is the “missing link” to complete the parkway. After construction, the parkway will function as a bypass of the McDonough square.

Road Resurfacing

Finally, the county applied for resurfacing funds on three roadways. ARC selected one of the three projects, Jonesboro Road, for funding. The other projects included:

  • East Atlanta Road resurfacing (score 23 out of 100)
  • Hampton-Locust Grove Road resurfacing (score 31 out of 100)

Resurfacing projects were evaluated separate from roadway expansion projects, and their scores should not be compared across categories.

Credit for the featured image to Henry County.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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