The Atlanta Regional Commission has shared the results of the 2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project Solicitation. The TIP Project Solicitation is a competitive selection process for local transportation projects in metro Atlanta to receive federal funding.
The results cover fiscal year 2022–2025 after ARC released FY 2021 recommendations in the fall. Out of the eleven applications submitted by Henry County, four projects will receive at least partial funding.
State Route 81
The widening of state route 81 will receive $7 million towards construction. The project extends between Postmaster Drive and Bethany Road. The $7 million dollar contribution is slated for FY 2025. Fiscal years start the summer prior to the calendar year. For example, FY 2025 will start on July 1, 2024.
The project is funded through a combination of federal funds and SPLOST dollars. The county received funds towards the project during both the 2015 and 2017 project solicitations.
The $7 million dollar contribution is only part of the county’s application. Henry County applied for $17.6 million through the 2019 project solicitation. In order to build the project, Henry County will have to identify alternate funding sources to make up the difference. Other funds could come from subsequent project solicitations, cost savings from other SPLOST V projects, or a potential transportation SPLOST program.
The county’s engineering consultant for the project estimated construction could be ready to bid out in February 2024. The FY 2025 funding is appropriately timed to support the project’s construction.
Rock Quarry Road
Like state route 81, the widening of Rock Quarry Road will also receive $7 million dollars. ARC budgeted construction funds towards Rock Quarry in FY 2023.
The widening project extends between Eagle’s Landing Parkway and North Henry Blvd / SR 138. The county adopted an agreement with Georgia DOT in December to begin purchasing right of way. The project utilizes both federal and SPLOST funding.
Construction estimates equal $34 million dollars for the 2.43 mile corridor. Due to the available funding and high cost, there have been discussions about breaking up the widening project. If this occurs, then the first phase is expected to be from Eagle’s Landing to Banks Road.
Public Comments
ARC is accepting public comments on a proposed TIP amendment until February 11. The purpose of the amendment is to incorporate the 2019 project solicitation funding. The ARC Board expects to adopt the amendment in March.
Funding recommendations are tentative until adopted by the ARC Board. Though further changes are unlikely, they could occur.
Previously, the resurfacing of Jonesboro Road between Mt Olive Road and the Clayton County line, and scoping work for the widening of Bill Gardner Parkway were selected to receive funds in FY 2021. Georgia DOT programmed corresponding project IDs in late December.
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