County Approved the Flippen Road Extension Design Contract

Area map of Flippen Road extension (Henry County photo)
(Henry County photo)

Henry County commissioners approved a design bid for the Flippen Road extension on Wednesday, November 4. The project proposes to construct a new roadway in commission district 2.

The project starts at the existing end of Flippen Road at the Cambridge Park subdivision, and goes south. It ends at the intersection of Jonesboro Road at North Mt. Carmel Road. The distance is about 0.70 miles. A connection to the Dutchtown schools is part of the plan.

Area map of Flippen Road extension (Henry County photo)
(Henry County photo)

The design contract was awarded to Heath & Lineback Engineers, Inc. of Marietta, Ga in the amount of $284,650. The vendor was the lowest bidder of five sealed bids.

The roadway will have a 35 mph speed limit with two travel lanes — one lane in each direction. The project includes a bridge structure for the Walnut Creek stream crossing, as well as signal modifications at Jonesboro Road and North Mt. Carmel Road. It shall also include street lighting.

The total project budget is $3,676,206. Henry County SPLOST V is funding the project.

District 2 Projects

Henry County approved a design bid for the dirt road paving of Dutchtown Road in October. Heath & Lineback Engineers, Inc. will provide design services in the amount of $215,025. Design notice to proceed is planned to be issued on Monday, November 9.

Also in the Dutchtown community, the county is planning a new traffic signal at Jonesboro Road and Mt Olive Road. Georgia DOT is finalizing the signal design plans. It is the county’s goal is to receive the final design plans before the end of the year. Canyon Springs apartments — located off the intersection — are now leasing.

Finally, there will be a new traffic signal at state route 155 and Greenwood Industrial Parkway. Georgia DOT previously completed a traffic study for the intersection. This identified a traffic signal was the preferred improvement over a roundabout. The county hired an engineering firm to design the new signal in October.

Note: district 2 became district 5 following the 2020 census as a result of new district lines.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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