TAG holds first meeting, sets 2021 schedule

Photo of trucks on I-75 at I-675 during express lanes construction (Trucks.com photo/ Brian Hadden)

Henry County’s newly formed transportation advisory group (TAG) held its first meeting on November 16, 2020. The board of commissioners approved the group’s formation in August.

The group consists of one appointee by each commissioner and one appointee by each city. The county’s transportation planning director, Sam Baker, participates as a non-voting member to assist the group.

Inaugural Meeting

Not all group members were appointed at the time of the group’s first meeting in November. Consequently, only four members attended. Those in attendance received a copy of the county’s comprehensive transportation plan (CTP) updated in 2016, and transit feasibility study completed in the same year. They also heard news about the county’s planned update of the transportation plan and developing a transit master plan. A trails master plan is coupled with the larger CTP.

The county accepted proposals for firms to complete the transportation plan update in October; however, the board of commissioners has not yet considered awarding a contract for the plan update. The transit master plan kicked off this fall with the first opportunity for public comment expected after the new year.

In addition, Mr. Baker shared with TAG members a draft map of transportation SPLOST projects and sought their initial feedback. County commissioners are tentatively planning to hold a T-SPLOST referendum in November 2021. If approved, then the local sales tax rate would increase from seven percent to eight percent in Henry County.

The draft T-SPLOST project list, at least for now, includes widening Jonesboro Road between I-75 and North Mt Carmel Road, state route 81 between Postmaster Drive and Bethany Road, and Rock Quarry Road. County staff developed the draft list, but commissioners weren’t completely satisfied. Contrarily, board members requested changes to better balance the available funding by commission district.

2021 Meetings

The transportation advisory group will meet quarterly in 2021. Meetings take place at the Henry County Administration Building in McDonough.

Meeting dates include Thursday, January 28; Monday, April 26; Monday, July 26; and Monday, October 25. Meetings start at 4 pm.

Credit for the featured image to Brian Hadden of Trucks.com.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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