GDOT awards rumble strip installation

Map of rumble strips to be installed in 2020 (Georgia DOT photo)

On September 4, Georgia DOT announced the award of a construction bid for rumble strip installation within Henry County and nearby communities. The project includes two state routes within the county.

New center line and shoulder rumble strips will be installed on state route 81 from US 19 / 41 to the Newton County line, excluding the portions within the project limits of the McDonough diverging diamond interchange at I-75 exit 218 or McDonough One-Way Pair project, and state route 155 from downtown McDonough to the DeKalb County line. The installation also includes updated roadway striping and raised pavement markers.

In total, the bid covers rumble strip installation on portions of seven state highways covering approximately 100 miles in five counties. The contract was awarded to TRP Construction Group, LLC of Fort Worth, TX in the amount of $1,014,773.30.

Map of rumble strip installations for 2020 (Georgia DOT photo)
Map showing rumble strip installations (Georgia DOT photo)

Other sections of roadway included within the contract include state route 155 from the Henry / Spalding County line to Melton Street in Griffin. In 2019, rumble strips were installed on SR 155 from the Henry / Spalding County to McDonough.

What are rumble strips?

From the Federal Highway Administration:

Rumble strips are an effective countermeasure for reducing roadway departure crashes. The noise and vibration produced by rumble strips alert drivers when they leave the traveled way. Rumble stripes is the term used for rumble strips painted with a retroreflective coating to increase the visibility of the pavement edge at night and during inclement weather conditions.

Center line rumble strips are an effective countermeasure to reduce head-on collisions and opposite-direction sideswipes (often referred to as cross-over or cross- center line crashes). Center line rumble strips are primarily used to warn drivers whose vehicles are crossing center lines of two-lane, two-way roads. Shoulder rumble strips are an effective means of reducing run-off-the-road crashes. They are primarily used to warn drivers when they have drifted from their lane.

Crash frequencies on rural two-lane roads have been shown to reduce 45% for head-on and opposite direction sideswipe crashes following the installation of center line rumble strips and reduce 36% for single-vehicle run-off-road following the installation of shoulder rumble strips.

Additional Contracts Awarded

The August letting included other contracts for rumble strip installation in counties served by GDOT area offices in Columbus, LaGrange, Macon and Perry. For reference, Henry County is served by the area office in Thomaston.

The contracts include rumble strip installation on state routes 138 and 279 in Fayette County.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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