Mt Carmel Road development proposes 326 units

Aerial map depicting the Mt Carmel Road proposed development (Henry County photo)

Update: the zoning advisory board voted 3-2 to recommend approval of the rezoning request. The case is scheduled to appear before the board of commissioners on Wednesday, January 20, at 6:30 pm. Anyone wishing to speak during the public hearing must sign-up in advance by Tuesday, January 19.

The Henry County zoning advisory board considered a rezoning request on Thursday, September 10, in the Dutchtown community. The development proposes to build a combination of single-family detached homes and condominiums.

The ninety-six (96) acre property is located off Mt Carmel Road between Chambers and Mill Road. The applicant, Tim Jones Properties Inc. of Brookhaven, GA, has requested to rezone the property to RS (residential suburban). The RS zoning district allows for a combination of two of the following: single-family homes, townhouses, and duplexes.

The subject property was previously rezoned from RA (residential agricultural) to R-3 (single-family residential) in March 2017. Zoning conditions adopted at the time require half-acre lots with a minimum heated square footage of 2,000 sq ft.

Concept layout for Mt Carmel Road development (Moore Bass Consulting photo)
Concept layout (Moore Bass Consulting photo)

The new rezoning request proposes to build 222 single-family lots on 77.5 acres and 104 condominiums on 18.5 acres. The RS zoning district allows single-family lot sizes of 7,260 sq ft, or one-sixth of an acre.

The concept layout depicts multiple amenity areas including a pool and clubhouse, two dog parks, outdoor games court, and grilling / fire pit areas. The development also proposes 14.2 acres of open space / ponds located outside of the flood plain.

The total number of units (326) equates to a net density of 5.44 units per acre. The Henry County comprehensive land use plan, last updated in 2018, designates the subject property for medium-density residential development supporting up to six net units per acre.

Henry County planning staff have recommended approval of the rezoning request with nine (9) conditions. Recommended conditions include requiring the exterior of single-family homes to be a combination of two or more of the following on all sides: brick, stone, stucco, or cement fiberboard. Furthermore, all single-family homes shall have a minimum two-car garage that is side-entry where feasible.

This article was originally published on September 4. It has been updated following the zoning advisory board meeting.

About Clayton 1739 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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