The Henry County Board of Commissioners will next meet on Tuesday, February 18, at 6:30 pm. The meeting is open to the public and held at the Henry County Administration Building located on Henry Parkway in McDonough.
Six public hearings for planning & zoning items headline the agenda. Other items include a presentation updating the board about SPLOST projects, consideration to approve bonding up to $18.5 million in FY 2021 as part of the capital improvement plan, and consideration to adopt the mid-year FY 2020 budget amendment.

MC-20-01 — Property north of Jonesboro Road at Mt Carmel Road
SK Property Holdings II, LLC of McDonough, GA is requesting a modification of zoning conditions for 24.07 +/- acres located at Jonesboro Road and Mt Carmel Road. The applicant is requesting to change an existing condition that limits C-3 (highway commercial) uses to only hotels, to read as follows: “C-3 uses may be permitted, except the following: boat sales, RV parks and campgrounds, extended stay hotels, and uses prohibited within the Highway Corridor Overlay District.â€
Planning staff have recommended additional conditions to permit indoor self-storage facilities designed to mirror Class A commercial office space, require the parcel(s) where an indoor storage facility is constructed to be a minimum of 280 feet from the right-of-way of Jonesboro Road, and requiring fencing at least eight feet in height constructed of brick or stone. The property is under construction for a new park and ride lot.

RZ-19-14 — 1496 Millers Mill Road
A rezoning request for 89.01 +/- acres located at 1496 Millers Mill Road in Woodland will reappear before the board of commissioners after being tabled in October 2019. The case was reprimanded back to the zoning advisory board who recommended denial of R-3 (single-family residential), but approval of R-2S with ten conditions.
The zoning advisory board approved a conditional use permit for a conservation subdivision in July 2019.

COMP-AM-19-12 & RZ-19-21 — Southeast corner of SR 155 and Kelleytown Road
Two public hearings for JWA Ventures II, LLC of Montgomery, AL focus on a proposed grocery store and mixed-use development in Kelleytown. The property consists of 22.31 +/- acres.
The zoning advisory board voted 3-2 in January to recommend approval of the rezoning request. The ZAB previously recommended approval of the comprehensive plan amendment in November 2019.

COMP-AM-19-13 & RZ-19-14 — Southeast corner of Hampton-Locust Grove Road and Rocky Creek Road
The final two public hearings of the night will involve a proposed small-box discount store off Hampton-Locust Grove Road. Planning staff and the zoning advisory board recommend denial of the request.
Staff exhibits for all of the above mentioned public hearings are available on the county website.
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