Upcoming Public Hearings will Consider a Data Center in Hampton

Map shows the location of a proposed data center in Hampton located at State Route 20 and McDonough Street (Clayton Carte / The Henry Reporter map created with Datawrapper).
A proposed data center is looking to build at State Route 20 and McDonough Street in Hampton. The city council will hold a public hearing in February. (Clayton Carte / The Henry Reporter map created with Datawrapper)

Hampton has four upcoming public hearings in February, including a proposed data center in the city. The city council meets on Tuesday, February 11, at 6 pm.

In addition to the proposed data center, the city will consider updated standards for gas stations. The council adopted a 90-day moratorium on gas stations in December.

Proposed Data Center in Hampton

Southeast Property Holdings, LLC has applied for a conditional use permit for 133 acres. The land is located at the northwest corner of State Route 20 and McDonough Street. According to the city’s legal notice, the applicant is proposing light industrial land use for a data center campus. The property has existing mixed use (MU) zoning.

More information about the proposed data center is not yet available. This request is separate from two proposed projects in unincorporated Henry County.

The property annexed into the city in spring 2022. It’s part of a larger property known as Henderson Farms. The area was to become a large mixed-use development in 2008, but plans never materialized due to the Great Recession. The 2008 project had single-family homes, apartments, office and retail space.

Last August, the city shared a 330-unit apartment complex was coming soon to the immediate area. The developer, Aventon, had submitted plans for the city’s review. Finally, a 166-lot subdivision was preparing to build off Hampton-Locust Grove Road.

Other Public Hearings

The city will also conduct the following hearings:

  • consider a rezoning request from M-1 to C-2 (commercial) for 1.35 acres at 54 Old Griffin Road,
  • consider revisions to gas station concept plan submittals and requirements, and
  • consider revisions to the mixed use districts in the city’s comprehensive plan, and update three land use categories: downtown core, urban mixed use and village mixed use.

The Hampton council meets on the second Tuesday monthly. They meet at city hall. Public hearings start at 6 pm. The regular meeting follows at 6:30 pm.

Featured image shows a map of the proposed data center in Hampton. Clayton Carte / The Henry Reporter map created with Datawrapper.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.