Tractor-trailer accidents have become a common occurrence on rainy days at I-75 southbound and I-675. Approximately one dozen incidents have occurred since October, the most recent being an overturned tractor-trailer on Thursday morning.
Moving Henry Forward editor Clayton Carte contacted Georgia DOT District 3 Communication Officer Penny Brooks about the string of events and asked what the state has planned:
Our district has a project planned to start later this year that will replace the concrete slabs within that area’s Interstate 75 roadway, and then re-install the lane striping. Our engineers expect when they replace the concrete slabs, the design for the roadway slope will be such that it will prevent pooling and encourage enhanced run-off. The lanes will also be remarked with a new highly reflective and extremely durable tape material. The slab replacement project is expected to be let (bid out) in June, and if the process goes as expected we could start work in late summer/early fall.
The concrete rehabilitation project extends from state route 54 / mile 233 to Walt Stephens Road / mile 226, including the section of I-75 that merges with I-675. The estimated cost equals ten million dollars.
Have they given any consideration to paving the area on I-75 South just past the I-675 Bridge on the right? Instead of being torn up grass, if it was paved it would at least speed up clean up efforts by eliminating the mud factor, and might keep some of the tractor-trailers upright if they have a smooth area to slide to a stop.
The natural surface acts as a speed break. If the area was paved, it would increase the impervious surface area worsening the water drainage and potentially lead to worse accidents if a vehicle’s forward momentum carried it into I-675.