Hampton adopts first reading for active-adult townhomes

Concept site plan for Cottages at Southampton (Jim Chapman Communities photo)

A proposed development first presented to the Henry County Zoning Advisory Board in September received its public hearing and first reading by the Hampton city council on February 11. The council passed first reading for the modifications to a master planned development by a 4-1 vote (Mitcham opposed, Turner absent).

The council will consider second reading of the request in March before final adoption or denial. All city of Hampton ordinances are read twice before being approved or denied.

The project proposes two-hundred fifty active-adult townhomes on fifty (50) acres located south of state route 20 and east of East King Road. Fifteen (15) acres at the southwest corner of SR 20 and South Hampton Road are preserved for future commercial development.

Jim Chapman described the planned buildings as single-story ranch townhouses with masters on main. Many of the units will be two bedroom / two bathroom, offering approximately 1,200 square feet of living space, with a one-car garage. An optional upstairs third bedroom loft will be included on some units.

Chapman continued that the typical rent for a two-bedroom unit will start at $1,400 per month and require a minimum annual income of $58,000. All units will be rented at market rates and maintained by an on-site management company.

The city council included twenty-one (21) zoning conditions for the project. Some of the conditions include the following:

  • The number of units shall be limited to two-hundred fifty units.
  • There shall be a fifteen foot no access easement along state route 20.
  • The developer shall complete a traffic impact study, to include nearby intersections, and complete the indicated improvements. A separate condition added by the city council requires the addition of a left-hand turning lane from East King Road into the site and the addition of a northbound auxiliary lane from the site entrance to state route 20.
  • Eight foot sidewalks shall be constructed along the subject property’s frontage on South Hampton Road, East King Road, and Floyd Road. An eight foot landscape strip with appropriate pedestrian path lighting and street trees shall also be included.
  • A fifty foot vegetative buffer shall be installed and maintained along the proposed residential pod on state route 20, along the southern property line, and along Floyd Road.
  • A five-foot chain link coated fence shall be installed along the southern property line adjacent to Cobblestone Ridge subdivision.
  • Additional parking shall be constructed at any three-bedroom units.

In a separate project proposed south of Cobblestone subdivision, the city council denied the comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request for Gates at South Hampton.

About Clayton 1739 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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