Proposed development would build behind Publix at Lake Dow

Map of McDonough East developments, between Postmaster Drive and Racetrack Road
Concept site plan for Symphony Park development (Falcon Design photo)

Read the follow up article: McDonough council discusses Symphony Park proposal

Blue River Development is proposing a planned residential development on 107.88 +/- acres in McDonough. The land is located south of the Publix at Lake Dow shopping center and west of Travis Drive.

The project proposes to utilize a combination of the R-50 (single-family residential), RTD (residential townhome district), and RM-75 (multifamily residential) zoning districts. 1.5 acres will also be preserved for a future public safety complex.

Proposed housing units include the following:

  • 250 apartment units, to be located immediately west of Travis Drive.
  • 196 age-targeted single family residential lots, to be located within the interior of the site.
  • 53 townhouses, to be located southwest of Publix at Lake Dow.

The total number of units equals 499. The threshold to warrant a development of regional impact (DRI) review is not met. That threshold, to warrant a review period and comments by Georgia DCA and the Atlanta Regional Commission, is five-hundred units.

The McDonough city council will hold a workshop review about the request on Thursday, November 7, and conduct a public hearing on Monday, December 9. The McDonough planning commission will hold a workshop review on Tuesday, November 12, and conduct its public review session on Tuesday, December 3. All meetings are held at McDonough city hall starting at 6 pm.

About the Developer

Blue River Development is headquartered in Cumming, GA with new subdivisions building throughout metro Atlanta. The company has two other projects in Henry County: Stapleton Park | Barrett Farms. Both developments are located on Lake Dow Road.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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