The zoning advisory board will meet on Thursday, March 28, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building located at 140 Henry Parkway in McDonough.
The board’s agenda for the evening will consider three conditional use permits, three variance requests, and one rezoning request. The meeting agenda is available to view on the county website.

The proposed development on North Ola Road has already garnered significant public interest and a large attendance from nearby residents is expected at the meeting. JWA Ventures II, LLC of Montgomery, AL is requesting a rezoning of 103.5 acres to MU (mixed use) to develop a grocery store, commercial space, and 104 lot residential subdivision.
View additional information about the request
Though no other rezoning requests will be presented during the meeting, a conditional use request to build a conservation subdivision on Crumbley Road is also notable.

The Reservoir Group of Watkinsville, GA is requesting a conditional use permit to build a conservation subdivision on 86.5 acres at 719 Crumbley Road. The property was recently rezoned in January to the R-2 on sewer zoning district, and if the permit is approved, the applicant may reduce their minimum lot size from 22,000 square feet to 10,890 square feet. The intent of the conservation subdivision is to maximize the preservation of open space through the use of smaller lots and the applicant would be required to maintain at least forty percent open space.
Other conditional use requests include a fitness center expansion located on Business Center Drive in Stockbridge and a non-commercial dog kennel at 348 Sowell Road in McDonough.
Variance requests include a reduction in the minimum road frontage at 348 Sowell Road, an increase in the maximum building height for a building expansion at US Cold Storage on Greenwood Road in McDonough, and a reduction in front yard setback requirements for a single-family home at 520 Noblewood Drive in Ola.
Staff reports for all of the above items are available to view on the county website. Exhibits are linked on the meeting agenda.
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