Moving Henry Forward is previewing what we can expect in 2019. The SPLOST IV program, approved by voters in November 2013, will enter its final full year of collections. The program ends on March 31, 2020.
The program is expected to collect $190 million over a six year span. From that, $142.5 million (75%) is distributed to the board of commissioners for use on county projects. The remaining 25% is distributed among the cities based on population.
There are several SPLOST IV projects under construction that will finish in 2019. The projects are listed below:
- Countywide Projects – Sewer line in Fairview
- District 1 – South Bethany Road at Old Jackson Road roundabout
- District 2 – State Route 81 at Mill Road traffic signal
- District 2 – South Cleveland Church dirt road paving
- District 3 / 4 – Campground Road extension
- District 4 – Elliot Road dirt road paving
- District 5 – Anvil Block Road widening
Construction is ongoing for the southwest segment of the McDonough Parkway, connecting highway 20 and Henry Connector, but that project will not be completed in 2019. The roadway will not be opened until Georgia DOT widens highway 20 and implements a roundabout at McDonough Parkway. The state widening project is forecast to start construction in 2021.
There are several projects expected to start construction in 2019. Those projects include:
- Countywide Projects – Airport FBO (new terminal building)
- District 2 – Simpson Mill at Hampton-Locust Grove Road intersection improvement
- District 3 – Campground Road at State Route 155 intersection improvement
- All Districts – Road Resurfacing and Maintenance
A few projects will enter preliminary engineering and design in the new year. This includes the proposed I-75 interchange at Bethlehem Road and an intersection improvement at Mill Road and Mt. Carmel Road.
The list of projects may appear short, but most SPLOST IV projects have already been completed. The full list of improvements and expenditures are available on the county website.
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