Clip art photo of ballot being placed in ballot box

Thank you for visiting MHF News to learn more about the upcoming 2024 election in Henry County. The general election ballot contains President, US House and county offices. There are also statewide and local ballot questions. Finally, Locust Grove has a special election for mayor and city council.


Voter Registration

Georgians can register to vote as early as 17.5 years old, and begin voting once 18. Individuals can register to vote or update their voter registration (in case of an address change) through the Secretary of State’s office.

The deadline to register to vote and participate in the general election was October 7.

Election Calendar

General Primary Election & Non-Partisan ElectionMay 21, 2024
General Primary Run-off & Non-Partisan Run-off (if needed)June 18, 2024
General ElectionNovember 5, 2022
General Election Run-off (if needed)December 3, 2022

Early Voting Schedule

Georgia provides three weeks of early voting before the election, including weekends. Henry County offers several early voting sites throughout the county. Voters may participate at whichever location in the county is most convenient to them.

Election Day Polling Places

Elections for federal, state, and county offices are conducted at county polling places. Not sure which polling place is yours? Visit the Georgia Secretary of State’s My Voter Page for the most up-to-date information.

Unlike early voting discussed above, Election Day voters must vote at their assigned polling place.

Qualified Candidates

The qualified candidates webpage lists qualified candidates in local contests. MHF News does not provide candidate lists for statewide officers or US Congress. Instead, I recommend Ballotpedia to find out more about these races.

Check out my list who’s on the ballot. Not sure in which district you reside? Visit my district maps page.


In closing, thank you for your interest in the upcoming election. MHF News encourages all voters to participate. If you notice an error on this page, please contact the page via Facebook message so that I can correct it.

Last updated on October 15, 2024