Upcoming Meetings the Week of January 27, 2025

Map shows the location of county and city offices across Henry County, with the text “Meetings This Week” in a speech bubble (Clayton Carte / The Henry Reporter map created with Datawrapper).
(Clayton Carte / The Henry Reporter map created with Datawrapper)

Here’s a look at meetings happening in Henry County the week of January 27, 2025. Locust Grove, Stockbridge, Hampton and Henry County Schools are meeting this week. The Henry County BOC will hold their annual retreat.

Meetings the Week of January 27

Henry County Schools

The school district kicks off the week with the third and final public hearing whether to opt-out of House Bill 581. That hearing will be on Monday, January 27, at 4:30 pm. The board meets at the school district office in downtown McDonough.

The decision whether to opt-out of HB 581 will affect homeowners’ property tax bills, and if homeowners see tax savings through a floating homestead exemption. Two speakers participated in the first two hearings.

Locust Grove

The Locust Grove council meets Monday night at 6 pm. They meet at the city public safety building. This is a rescheduled meeting after last week’s winter weather. Public hearing items have been cancelled; the city must re-advertise them for a later date.

Agenda items include a sanitation rate increase, House Bill 581 update and department manager reports. The city agenda is on the Locust Grove website.


The Stockbridge council meets on Tuesday, January 28, at 6 pm. They meet at Stockbridge City Hall. Presentations include an update on the city’s trails plan.

The Stockbridge Planning Commission will also meet this week. They meet on Thursday, January 30, at 6:30 pm. A proposed annexation and rezoning request will present. It consists of forty-eight acres at State Route 42 and Campground Road. The applicant is proposing eleven acres of commercial space and a subdivision. The proposal has 168 units, to include 82 townhomes and 86 single-family homes.


The Hampton council has a called meeting on Wednesday, January 29, at 11 am. The meeting is to fill the vacancy left by Councilwoman Barlow’s resignation. The council’s appointee will serve the remainder of the term, or until December 2025.

Board of Commissioners

Lastly, the Henry County BOC will be in Macon later this week for their annual retreat. The retreat is Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, according to the county website. An agenda is not available.

Featured image shows a map of county and city office buildings within Henry County. Clayton Carte / The Henry Reporter map created with Datawrapper.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.