County Buys Land for Future Fire Station 17 in Stockbridge

Map showing the location of future Henry County Fire Station 17 on Harold Drive (Henry County qPublic photo).
(Henry County qPublic photo)

Henry County purchased land for future fire station 17. The new station will be located on Harold Drive in Stockbridge.

The county approved the land purchase during their November 7 meeting. The station will be paid for using SPLOST V funds.

Future Fire Station 17

In 2019, Henry County budgeted funds in SPLOST V for two new fire stations. This week’s land purchase represents the first step towards building the first of the new stations. The SPLOST V program spans collections from 2020 to 2025.

Henry County purchased 4.97 acres located on Harold Drive. The purchase price was $350 thousand. The roadway extends between Tunis Road and Peach Drive. In addition, the new station will be close to Eagles Landing Middle and High School.

Henry County Fire Chief Jonathan Burnette described the station as needed based on call volume. The station will relieve call volume off other nearby stations. Stations 8 and 9, both within Stockbridge, are two of the county’s busiest by call volume.

After the county closes on the land purchase, they can seek out a contractor for the project. The county typically uses a design-build contract for fire stations. This means the county advertises for one build contract. The selected builder then completes the building design. If all goes well, the new station could open during the first half of 2025.

Other Fire Stations

Also on Tuesday, the county approved a contract to rebuild fire station 5. This station, located in Hampton, was closed earlier this year. The new station will be at highway 20 and McDonough Street.

Finally, SPLOST V included funds to construct fire station 18. This station is intended for the Ola area. The county has not yet purchased land for its construction.

Featured image shows an area map with the location of Henry County Fire Station 17. Henry County qPublic photo.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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