More Industrial Zoning Approved on Highway 42 in Locust Grove

Map showing the location of highway 42 industrial zoning approved in November 2023 (Henry County qPublic photo).
(Henry County qPublic photo)

The Locust Grove council approved a request for industrial zoning on highway 42. They denied the applicant’s concurrent request to build a gravel truck parking lot.

The property in question has 23 acres. It is located on the west side of highway 42 south of Bethlehem Road.

Highway 42 Industrial Zoning

Rob Franks of McDonough, GA submitted several applications for the proposed project. They included the following:

  • amend the future land use map to support industrial development,
  • rezone the property from RA to M-1 to allow industrial uses, and
  • receive a conditional use permit to allow gravel truck parking.

The city council considered action on each request during their November 6 meeting. At first, it appeared the items would fail. The council voted 2-3 against amending the future land use map. Councilmen Shearouse and Taylor voted in favor of the amendment. Council members Boone, Greer and Williams voted in opposition. Councilman Breedlove abstained from all votes and discussion because of a business interest with the applicant.

Though the council initially denied the map amendment, they subsequently approved the rezoning request. The council voted 3-2 on the rezoning question. Councilman Greer voted yes after inquiring about the surrounding land uses. The neighboring properties are approved for industrial development.

Gravel Truck Parking Denied

Finally, the council denied the applicant’s request for gravel truck parking. The vote was 2-3. Councilman Greer changed his vote to opposition. The proposed gravel lot had about 440 truck / trailer spaces.

The city adopted a moratorium in September after concerns arose too many applicants were requesting gravel truck lots. So far, the city has approved two permits for gravel lots. They are located off Bethlehem Road, and SR 42 at County Line Road near Jenkinsburg. A third request located on Walker Crossing is awaiting the council’s decision.

If the applicant so chooses, then they can resubmit an application to be reconsidered for a gravel truck lot when the moratorium ends. They may also pursue other industrial development because their rezoning was approved.

Motion to Reconsider

Following discussion and the subsequent votes, city staff asked the council whether they would like to reconsider their vote to amend the future land use map. Because the council had approved the rezoning, it is good practice for the map to reflect an approved zoning.

Councilman Greer motioned to reconsider the council’s position. This motion passed by a 4-1 vote. Councilman Boone was opposed. A subsequent motion to amend the FLUM passed by the same 4-1 vote.

Featured image shows the location of highway 42 industrial zoning approved in November 2023. Henry County qPublic photo.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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