Infill mixed use development to build on Jonesboro Road

Concept rendering for Jonesboro Road mixed use development (Vista Realty Partners photo).
(Vista Residential photo)

Henry County recently approved rezoning plans for a new infill mixed use development along Jonesboro Road. The project will build between the Bojangles and new self-storage building east of I-75.

Vista Realty Partners of Atlanta, GA submitted the rezoning request for thirty-three acres. Henry County approved their request during the June board meeting. The project includes 348 apartment units and 50,000 square feet of commercial space.

Jonesboro Road Mixed-Use Development

Vista Realty constructed the Carmel Vista apartments on Mt. Carmel Road. Not long after finishing construction on that project, they submitted the application for another Henry County project. Whereas Carmel Vista offers “big house” style apartments, the new project proposes modern flat-line roof buildings. In addition, the project includes ground-level retail within the two buildings closest to Jonesboro Road.

In total, the project plans to construct six apartment buildings. Each building measures three stories in height. There are also two spaces for smaller stand-alone commercial buildings. The commercial space breaks down to include 40,000 square feet within the mixed-use buildings, and two 5,000 sq ft buildings.

The future apartments are limited to no more than 10% three-bedroom units. The remaining 90% will be a mixture of one and two-bedroom units.

Jonesboro Road at Heritage Way

Not far from the property described above, Henry County also approved another request off Jonesboro Road. This time, the seventy-two acre property is located west of Monticello subdivision. Board approval also occurred during the June meeting.

The Reservoir Group, LLC of Madison, GA originally submitted a rezoning request for mixed-use development. They later revised their request to offer residential only. The final zoning approval allows for up to 61 single-family homes and 124 townhomes for a total of 185 units.

Featured image shows a concept rendering for Jonesboro Road mixed use development. Photo credit Vista Realty Partners. Correction: An earlier version of this article stated the Jonesboro Road at Heritage Way development would be age-restricted. This was an error; I apologize for this mistake.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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