Brannan Road & Walker Drive requests to present to zoning board

Zoning map for the vicinity of 941-1100 Brannan Road in Stockbridge (Henry County photo).
(Henry County photo)

The zoning advisory board next meets on Thursday, May 12, starting at 6:30 pm. Board meetings occur at the county admin building in McDonough. During the meeting, zoning board members will consider four new proposed developments. The projects are located one each off Brannan Road, Chambers Road and Walker Drive. The fourth request is in the vicinity of Georgia 42 at Georgia 138.

Zoning board meetings are open to the public to attend. In addition, each case will have a public hearing. During this time, audience members may speak for or against the proposed development(s). Speakers can also utilize this time to suggest zoning conditions. The zoning board makes a recommendation only whether to approve or deny the rezoning request. The board of commissioners will consider each request at a later date to make a final decision.

Meeting agendas as well as staff reports are available on the county website.

941-1100 Brannan Road

The first proposed development is located at 941-1100 Brannan Road in Stockbridge. The property consists of 134.3 acres. The applicant, Pulte Group, Inc. of Alpharetta, is proposing a new single-family subdivision. They are asking for the following:

  • Land use plan amendment from low-density residential (up to 2 net units per acre) and medium-density residential (2-6 net units per acre) to medium-density residential – Staff is recommending denial of the plan amendment.
  • Rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to R-4 (single-family residential) – Staff is recommending denial of R-4, but approval of the R-3 zoning district.
  • Conditional use permit to allow a conservation subdivision – Staff is recommending approval of the use permit with a minimum lot size of 13,000 square feet and an average lot size of 15,000 square feet.

The applicant is proposing a subdivision with 190 homes. The applicant’s proposal has minimum lot sizes of 10,890 square feet (one quarter-acre). Staff recommendations would limit the applicant to 160 homes on the lot sizes stated above. The 13,000 sq ft minimum and 15,000 sq ft average is consistent with the county’s 2021 zoning approval at 1496 Millers Mill Road.

1500 Chambers Road

The second request consists of forty acres located at 1500 Chambers Road. The applicant, The Reservoir Group of Madison, GA, is proposing a new subdivision with twenty-one lots. They are likewise requesting a conservation subdivision. The proposal includes:

  • Rezoning request from RA to R-2 with sewer – Staff is recommending approval.
  • Conditional use permit to allow a conservation subdivision – Staff is recommending approval with a min. lot size of 10,890 square feet and an average lot size of 12,000 square feet.

The forty-acre property contains a creek bisecting the land. The creek and associated flood plain represents sixteen acres. The use of a conservation subdivision allows the applicant to cluster homes on smaller lots. It also minimizes disturbances to the creek. The concept yield plan supports up to 42 lots on the property. Instead, the applicant is proposing only twenty-one lots. Lastly, their proposal includes thirty acres of secondary open space. This area is otherwise buildable land being set aside.

SR 42 at SR 138

Thirdly, the zoning board will consider a proposed apartment complex by Hillpointe LLC of Winter Park, LLC. The property is located in the vicinity of State Route 42 at State Route 138. Specifically, the property is east of Georgia 42 and north of Lanier Crossing. The property consists of 15.7 acres.

The applicant’s proposal includes 234 two-bedroom apartments in six buildings. Proposed amenities include a club house, fitness center and a swimming pool. Planning staff are recommending additional amenities to include an open-air pavilion, children’s playground and dog park. In addition, the property shall be a gated development.

In the applicant’s letter of intent, they acknowledge a possible cemetery on the site. “Should a cemetery be determined to exist as shown on Henry County’s tax maps, [Hillpointe LLC] will work with the county staff to preserve the land area of this potential cemetery in an open space with enhanced landscaping.”

Planning staff are recommending approval of both amending the land use plan and rezoning request. The applicant is requesting a high-density residential map shade (presently commercial) and multifamily zoning district.

Aerial map showing Walker Drive and the Luella school cluster (Henry County photo).
Walker Drive and Luella Schools (Henry County photo)

Walker Drive

Finally, the board will hear an applicant’s presentation for ninety-four acres on Walker Drive. The property is across the street from Luella High School and west of an under-construction subdivision.

The applicant, JTG Holdings, LLC of Atlanta, is proposing 113 lots. The proposed zoning district of R-3 allows min. lot sizes of 18,000 square feet. Planning staff are recommending approval of the request.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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