Locust Grove Holds Public Hearing for Next Industrial Project

Sansone Group proposed development site plan in Locust Grove (E&A photo).
(E&A photo)

The Locust Grove city council held a public hearing on Monday, May 16, 2022 to consider an applicant’s request for the next industrial project within the city. The applicant, Sansone Group of St. Louis, MO, is proposing three buildings totaling 882k square feet.

The property consists of 124 acres located between I-75 and state route 42.

Sansone Group Project

The 124-acre property is located east of I-75 and north of the existing Home Depot distribution center. It proposes one vehicular access point off highway 42. The site driveway will line up across from Pine Grove Road.

The applicant is requesting a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to M-1 (light manufacturing). M-1 zoning is consistent with neighboring properties.

Zoning conditions drafted by staff would limit the property to warehousing or distribution use only.

Public Hearing

Representatives for the applicant, Sansone Group, spoke in favor of the project. A major question posed to the applicant by members of the city council was whether SR 42 at Pine Grove Road should receive a traffic light to support the new development. According to the project engineer, the traffic impact study did not warrant a new signal. The council also requested the applicant to preserve right of way along highway 42 for a future four-lane widening project.

Clayton Carte, owner of MHF News, was the lone speaker in opposition. His comments focused on the need for a new access road between Colvin Drive and Bethlehem Road. Following his comments, the city council engaged in lengthy discussion how best to build a new access road through the subject property. The access road would best facilitate truck movements between the various industrial buildings and the future Bethlehem Road interchange. The access road would also limit truck traffic on highway 42.

In addition, Mr. Carte requested the city remove the proposed condition that limits the site to distribution uses only. Light manufacturing uses, such as the upcoming indoor lettuce farm, typically offer higher wages than solely distribution.

Update: The city council approved the rezoning request at their June 2022 meeting. As part of the zoning conditions, the applicant agreed to design the access road described above and build a portion of it. Connecting the access road to the Home Depot distribution center roadway falls on the city of Locust Grove to complete. Finally, the city removed the condition limiting the use to only distribution. Light manufacturing tenants can locate at the site as such.

Featured image shows the concept site plan for Sansone Group project in Locust Grove. E&A photo.

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About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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