Zoning Advisory Board to consider two requests along Jonesboro Road

Aerial photo of homes in a McDonough subdivision (staff photo)

The Henry County Zoning Advisory Board next meets on Thursday, September 30. Among the agenda items will be two rezoning requests off Jonesboro Road. They are located one each in commission districts two and three. District II represents Jonesboro Road west of I-75. Likewise, district III covers Jonesboro Road east of the interstate.

The zoning advisory board meets at 6:30 pm. They meet at the county admin building in McDonough. The county typically posts agenda packets online the Friday before the meeting.

Jonesboro Road Requests

The first request off Jonesboro Road consists of 30.1 +/- acres. The property is at 3539 Jonesboro Road. The land is between Traditions at Crystal Lake and Wyntercreek Estates subdivisions. Also nearby is the Dutchtown schools campus.

Builders Professional Group, LLC of Fayetteville, GA is requesting a rezoning to R-3 (single-family residential). The property is presently zoned R-2. The greatest difference between zoning districts is minimum lot size. The R-2 district allows for a half-acre (22,000 square feet) lot when sewer access is available. By comparison, the R-3 district allows for an 18,000 sq ft lot.

In addition, the applicant is requesting a variance. The variance is for relief from highway corridor overlay district requirements. Based on the property dimensions, the variance is likely to allow a dead-end street. Other subdivisions off major roadways commonly request a similar variance.

Unlike rezoning requests, the zoning advisory board can approve or deny the variance. The rezoning must be presented to the BOC later for a final decision.

Mixed Use Development

Secondly, The Reservoir Group, LLC of Madison, GA is seeking mixed use zoning east of I-75. Their request applies to seventy-two acres between Oak Grove Road and Kelly Road. More specifically, the property is west of Monticello subdivision.

The applicant is proposing a mixture of the following:

  • Single-family residential,
  • Multifamily residential, and
  • Commercial space.

More details about the request, such as the number of homes, are not yet available. Multifamily residential can represent apartments or townhomes.

The Reservoir Group is also seeking to amend the future land use map. Presently, the FLUM allows low-density residential at the property. This allows up to two net units per acre. The applicant is requesting mixed use on the FLUM. The FLUM amendment is a separate zoning item from the rezoning.

Other Agenda Items

Finally, the zoning advisory board has two other agenda items to consider. Agenda items also include the following:

  • Declaration Drive Logistics III, LLC of Atlanta seeks a variance from stream buffer protection requirements. The property consists of 25.3 acres off Jerry Steele Lane in McDonough.
  • Steve Marshall seeks a variance from development standards for accessory structures. The property has 1.6 acres off South Bay Drive in Stockbridge.

Featured image shows homes in McDonough. Photo credit C. Carte.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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