BOC Approved SR 155 Senior Housing Rezoning Request

Current zoning map for SR 155 proposed RS development (Henry County photo)

On Tuesday, September 15, Henry County commissioners approved a senior housing rezoning request on state route 155. The property, consisting of 70.24 +/- acres, is located between Town Square Drive and Pinnacle Pointe subdivision.

The applicant intends to build an age-targeted community for senior housing. Zoning conditions placed on the property limit the development to single-family homes. There shall be no townhomes.

SR 155 Senior Housing Rezoning Request

Previously, the property had a mix of RA and R-3 zoning. Henry County approved a rezoning to RS (residential suburban). The RS zoning district allows single-family lot sizes of 7,260 square feet with a minimum heated square footage of 1,800 sq ft for single-family homes.

By comparison, the adjacent subdivision Pinnacle Pointe has minimum lot sizes of 6,000 square feet. It is inside McDonough city limits. The property shares multiple boundary lines with city limits, and in 2018, was part of a proposed legislative annexation. Voters at the time rejected it at the ballot box.

The 70-acre property includes nearly 23 acres of floodplain and a two-acre pond. A 100’ power line easement also traverses the property. The applicant may build no more than 198 lots.

Zoning Conditions

Other zoning conditions require the following:

  • A traffic impact study will be required; all of the indicated improvements will be required of the owner / developer. The owner / developer shall coordinate with HCDOT and GDOT on all access to the development.
  • All single-family homes shall have a two-car garage. Garages shall be side-entry where feasible.
  • All disturbed areas shall be sodded, except where landscaping is present or installed.
  • The owner / developer shall maintain a thirty-foot landscaped buffer around the development’s periphery.
  • The subdivision shall be an age-targeted development for seniors.
  • All units will be designed for senior living.
  • A six foot high, vinyl-coated, black, chain link fence shall be along the western property line where development occurs.
  • There shall be 5’-wide sidewalks along both sides of all interior streets. There shall also be a 5’-wide sidewalk along the property’s frontage on highway 155.
  • Decorative street lights shall be provided along all new streets and along the property’s frontage of highway 155.
  • There shall be street trees along all interior streets.
  • The development shall be a gated community with private streets.

Featured image shows the property location on state route 155. Henry County photo.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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