Henry County tables parks master plan, awards Nash Farm sprinkler system

Master plan for Nash Farm (Henry County photo)

Henry County commissioners considered two agenda items for parks & recreation on Tuesday morning. The board voted to approve the installation of a fire sprinkler system at Nash Farm; however, they tabled the award for a countywide parks master plan.

Commissioners tabled the parks master plan to receive more information about the county’s budget and finances. The plan would be Henry County’s first countywide parks master plan. Staff recommended Perez Planning + Design, LLC of Atlanta, GA to complete the plan at a cost of $99,500. The FY 2021 county budget adopted in June includes funds for the master plan.

Master plan for Nash Farm Park (Henry County photo)
Nash Farm master plan (Henry County photo)

Nash Farm Sprinkler System

Henry County approved the bid to install a fire sprinkler system at Nash Farm. The county awarded the project to Fire Systems Inc. of Smyrna, GA in the amount of $309,542. The vendor represented the only submitted bid.

SPLOST V collections are paying for the project. District II budgeted $3.3 million towards Nash Farm Park.

The fire sprinkler system will be in the activity barn — a 7,000 square foot building built in 1977. Commissioners approved the purchase of theatre equipment in July 2019 to convert the building into a cultural arts center / flex space.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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