Georgia DOT schedules SR 155 widening in 2030

Photo of tractor trailer on state route 155 in Luella (Georgia DOT photo)
(Georgia DOT photo)
Photo of tractor trailer on state route 155 in Luella (Georgia DOT photo)
Georgia DOT completed safety improvements this summer along SR 155. (GDOT photo)

A $72 million dollar project to widen state route 155 between I-75 and Hampton-Locust Grove Road is scheduled to start construction in 2030. The project is state-funded through the transportation funding act of 2015.

Henry County officials worked with Georgia DOT to secure state funding for the project in 2016. County leadership had previously budgeted the project’s design within SPLOST IV, approved by voters in 2013, but shifted those funds to other projects after the state agreed to fund the widening.

Preliminary engineering is budgeted to start in 2026 for the widening. Right of way acquisition is budgeted in 2028.

Want to voice your thoughts and request this project be moved up? The Atlanta Regional Commission is accepting public comments on the Atlanta region’s transportation plan through Friday, December 13.

Georgia DOT has a separate project actively in preliminary engineering to widen the state highway between I-75 and Georgia 42. A public information open house is anticipated in spring 2020 with construction starting in fall 2023.

This article was originally published in April 2019. It’s been updated in November 2019 to reflect the current project status.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

1 Comment

  1. Meanwhile, DOT builds 4 lane highways thru places like Washington County, with little current traffic and no future forecast, at a break neck pace..

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