A new conservation subdivision could be built along Elliot Road in the Union Grove school district if approved by the board of commissioners. Builders Professional Group, LLC of Jonesboro, GA have requested rezoning of 87.29 +/- acres from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 (single family residence) on sewer for property located at 728 Elliot Road. Applicants have also requested a conditional use permit to build a conservation subdivision.
Section 6.02.01 of the Henry County Unified Land Development Code provides for the allowance of conservation subdivisions, pending the approval of a conditional use permit. Conservation subdivisions set aside a minimum forty percent open space (34.9 acres for the subject property), and in exchange, the developer is allowed to build smaller lots. For properties with access to sewer, like the proposed development on Elliot Road, minimum lot sizes may be 10,890 square feet. The R-2 with sewer zoning district has a minimum lot size of 22,000 square feet in conventional subdivisions.
The smaller lot sizes allow the developer to build the same number of homes while reducing the cost of site infrastructure and protecting natural land features. The applicant has provided Henry County with a conceptual yield plan (pictured below), based on 22,000 square foot lots, to depict how many lots could be buildable on the property. The developer is then extended the right to build that same number of lots at the smaller dimension.
Conservation subdivisions are often utilized on properties with extensive flood plains or large natural lakes, as those features are not buildable areas. The photo above showing the property depicts flood plains on the northeast corner of the property. The applicant has proposed to set aside that land as open space to avoid impacting the flood plains.

The proposed development is requesting 130 lots for a net density of 1.91 dwelling units per acre. This is supported by the future land use map which designates the area for low density residential development, defined as between one and two units per acre.
Included within staff’s recommendations are a minimum home size of 2,400 square feet. This is an increase from the 1,700 square feet required in the R-2 on sewer zoning district and consistent with existing developments in the immediate area. Also included within the recommended zoning conditions is the preservation of 100 feet of right of way for the future Campground Road extension between Elliot Road and Airline Road. This is a long-range transportation project identified in the Henry County comprehensive transportation plan that would pass through the northeast corner of the property.
Staff has recommended approval of the rezoning and conditional use permit. The staff reports are available on the county website: Rezoning | Conditional Use
The proposed rezoning and conditional use permit will have public hearings at the zoning advisory board meeting on Thursday, March 14, at 6:30 pm. The ZAB meets at the Henry County Administration Building. The conditional use permit, if approved by the ZAB, will not appear before the board of commissioners; whereas the requested rezoning will have a second public hearing at the BOC before a final decision is reached.
Moving Henry Forward is a local blog that informs residents about ongoing transportation projects and pending rezoning requests. Consider following us on social media to keep up with our content: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
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