Right of way acquisition for SR 155 and WPC delayed to 2020

Georgia State Route 155 road sign

Georgia State Route 155 road sign

The purchasing of right of way will not occur in 2019 like first expected for two major projects. The Atlanta Regional Commission, in consultation with Georgia DOT, has processed schedule adjustments for the widening of highway 155 north of I-75 & the Western Parallel Connector linking Jonesboro Road and Hudson Bridge Road.

The projects were previously scheduled to enter right of way acquisition during 2019, but now will proceed in 2020. This change does not come as a surprise on SR 155 since the project has not yet held a public information open house to display the project concept and receive public feedback. The WPC held an open house in December 2017.

Both projects are forecast to start construction in 2023 and are being funded through the transportation funding act of 2015. The TFA, also known as House Bill 170, raised the state gas tax to increase available dollars for road improvements. Henry County is one of the biggest benefactors statewide from HB170 with approximately $300 million budgeted for local highway widening projects by 2023.

Also within the ARC administrative modifications for the 4th quarter of 2018, the Transportation Improvement Program was updated to reflect Georgia DOT’s decision to postpone widening Jonesboro Road. Construction for that project is forecast for the year 2034.

The Transportation Improvement Program allocates federal funding for the highest-priority transportation projects in metropolitan Atlanta. The Atlanta Regional Commission oversees the TIP program within the twenty county metropolitan area. More information is available on the ARC website.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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