This is an update to DRI Application filed for Lower Woolsey industrial park
The zoning advisory board recommended approval for the project. The case cannot be heard by the commissioners until the Georgia Department of Community Affairs completes the DRI process.
Lower Woolsey Henry 780 is scheduled before the zoning advisory board on Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 6:30 PM. A public hearing will be conducted to receive community feedback.
The project proposes 6.1 million square feet of new industrial space on 683 acres west of the Atlanta Speedway Airport and Atlanta Motor Speedway. The applicant has requested a rezoning to light manufacturing (M-1).

The proposed site plan shows seven warehouses with road access from Lower Woolsey Road and Wilkins Road. No building construction is proposed within the airport runway approach nor within the site’s flood plains.
The future land use map supports the request because the board of commissioners approved changes to the area in October 2014. Planning staff recommends that the applicant and county government enter into a development agreement covering all necessary infrastructure improvements.
The results of a traffic study are not yet available. The study will examine present-day traffic volumes and recommend road improvements to support the proposal.
View the Henry County staff report.
The zoning advisory board is the second step for any proposed rezoning. A second public hearing at the board of commissioners will follow before a final decision is made.
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