Old Kelleytown Road Subdivision on the March 14 Agenda

Area map showing the location of an Old Kelleytown Road rezoning request (Henry County photo).
(Henry County photo)

DRB Group has submitted a rezoning request to construct a new subdivision along Old Kelleytown Road. They will present to the county’s zoning advisory board on Thursday, March 14. Update: the applicant is tabling their request until a later date.

The applicant first submitted their rezoning application in June 2022. The case was originally scheduled for the zoning board in January 2023; however, such meeting was cancelled due to severe weather. The rezoning case was not rescheduled until now.

Old Kelleytown Road Subdivision

DRB Group is petitioning to rezone 166 acres from RA to R-2 with sewer (single-family residential). They have also applied for a conservation subdivision. To build a conservation subdivision first requires a separate conditional use permit. The zoning advisory board will consider both items during their meeting. The rezoning request must go before the board of commissioners for a final decision; whereas, the zoning board can approve the conditional use permit.

The proposed subdivision has 213 lots. This results in a net density of 1.55 units per acre. The county’s future land use map, last amended in October 2023, supports this proposal. The property has a low-density suburban (LDS) designation on the future map. LDS supports subdivisions with up to two net units per acre.

At the time of the applicant’s original application, the future land use map was rural residential. This was changed to low-density suburban during the map update in 2023.

Photo shows the concept layout for the Old Kelleytown Road conservation subdivision (Moore Bass Consulting photo).
(Moore Bass Consulting photo)

Conservation Subdivisions

What is a conservation subdivision? It lets the builder have smaller lots in exchange for preserving at least 40% of open space on the property. The lots can be 10,890 square feet, or one quarter-acre. In addition, there are greater buffer requirements. They include a 100’ buffer along the road frontage. The applicant’s concept site plan proposes 84 acres of open space, shown in dark green. This is equal to 51% of the property.

The applicant’s proposal includes three different-sized lots. They include the following:

  • 25 lots at 10,890 square feet, located on the interior of the site,
  • 107 lots at 12,000 square feet, located on the north and east side of the subdivision, and
  • 81 lots at 14,000 square feet, located on the south side of the site.

The zoning advisory board has the option to condition the applicant to have larger lots within the conservation subdivision. Another conservation subdivision within the area, located at 1496 Millers Mill Road, was conditioned to have a minimum lot size of 13,000 square feet as well as an average lot size of 15,000 square feet. This project under construction now is also by DRB Group.

Featured image shows the zoning map circa 2023 in the vicinity of Old Kelleytown Road. Henry County photo.

About Clayton 1739 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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