A Trio of Townhome Developments Coming to One Intersection

Concept rendering for Franklin Rivers Road townhomes (Moore Bass Consulting photo).
(Moore Bass Consulting photo)

Property owners are proposing three townhome developments on US Highway 19/41 at Franklin Rivers Road. They presented their requests in January 2024.

Together, the three projects have three-hundred units. One project gained approval by the board of commissioners. The others went before the zoning advisory board. They will present to the county commissioners at a later date.

US Highway 19/41 Townhomes

First, David Whitaker of Jackson, GA obtained approval for 58 townhomes. His property has 12 acres at the southeast corner of the intersection. Previously, the property had commercial and industrial zoning districts. Now, the land returns to a residential use.

The development will have one entrance off Franklin Rivers Road. The concept site plan depicts no access from US Highway 19 / 41. Community amenities include a central green space and 1,000 square foot pavilion. There is also a playground, fire pit and dog park. The property intends to be developed for rental use.

County commissioners voted 5-1 to approve the rezoning request. Commissioner Wilson voted in opposition. The board vote was at their January 16 meeting.

January ZAB Cases

Next, The Revive Land Group of Atlanta presented two requests to the zoning board. The zoning board considered the items on January 11. The properties are at the southwest and northeast corner of US 19/41 and Franklin Rivers Road. The applicant is requesting to rezone both properties for multifamily housing. They are proposing to construct townhomes.

The properties propose the following:

  • Southwest corner – 93 townhomes on 19.04 acres
  • Northeast corner – 145 townhomes on 24.23 acres

The two projects are separate, though similar. The properties propose one access point each off US Highway 19 / 41 and a main access point on the side road. The units are meant for owner-occupied communities. Each property would have its own amenities as well.

Planning staff are recommending approval on each request. The zoning board similarly recommended approval. The board of commissioners will consider each request later this year. The properties are located in commission district 5.

Featured image shows the central amenity area and townhomes on Franklin Rivers Road. Moore Bass Consulting photo.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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